

    As a specific product of the development of Chinese urbanization process, the urban fringe is the most active area in the process of urbanization in China. At the same time due to its activity, and the intersection of the geographical location, making it become one of the various social interests and contradictions of aggregation, resulting in the area of public security problem has been very serious. Therefore, the research on urban fringe area public security problem has become extremely urgent. In this paper, the security situation of Ningbo Jiangbei Hongtang Street reanalysis Hongtang street social environment, influence of exploring urban fringe social environment for public security. This paper based on the case of the broken window theory and Hongtang street that social environment in urban fringe of public security mainly affect the way through bad phenomenon in the environment of influence. Based on the conclusion drawn above, the method of strengthening public security is established.

    毕业论文关键词:城乡结合部; 社会环境; 社会治安; “破窗”理论

    Keyword: Urban fringe; Social environment; Public security;Broken windows theory


    一、引言 3

    (一)研究背景与研究意义 3

    (二)国内外研究现状 4

    (三)研究思路 4

    (四)研究理论方法 5

    1.研究理论 5

    2.研究方法 5

    二、江北区洪塘街道社会治安概况 5

    (一)洪塘街道简介 5

    (二)洪塘街道治安现状 5

    1.违法犯罪案件数量和种类较多且破案率不高 6

    2.治安问题呈块状分布。 6

    3.矛盾纠纷较多 6

    4.公共场所的治安隐患和事件较多 6

    5.邪教问题严峻 6

    三、城乡结合部社会环境对社会治安的影响 7

    (一)城乡结合部社会环境对社会治安影响理论分析 7

    (二)洪塘街道社会环境中的不良现象分析 8

    1.政治环境中的不良现象分析 8

    2.经济环境中的不良现象分析 8

    3.文化环境中的不良现象分析 9

    4.社区与公共环境中的不良现象分析 9


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