    摘要:本文主要内容是对中欧建筑施工安全标准体系进行比较研究,文章首先概述了本次选题的背景,目的和意义。通过对中欧建筑规范进行专项比较研究来了解中欧建筑施工安全规范的差异。具体就是对典型的建筑施工形式:混凝土施工和钢结构施工进行比较研究。采用的方法是查资料、对规范中要求的安全参数和设计进行逐一比较,找出两个规范之间的不同,然后从安全角度对两个规范进行总结比较。最后发现我国建筑施工规范在很多方面已经和欧洲规范接近,但欧洲规范相比中国规范会更加的全面、系统和通用。在大部分的规范设计上中欧规范之间存在着大同小异的差别,我国规范在有很多特点,在某些方面的安全要求也会更高, 但在整体安全对比上欧洲规范相比较中国规范在安全设计上的要求总体上会更高。57154
    毕业论文关键词:中国建筑施工规范;欧洲建筑施工规范;混凝土结构;钢结构;安全体系Chinese and European construction safety standards systemcomparison researchAbstract: in this paper, the main content is a comparative study of central buildingconstruction safety standard system, this paper summarizes the selected topic background,purpose and meaning. Through the china-eu building codes for special comparative research tounderstand the differences construction safety codes. Concrete is the typical form ofconstruction: a comparative study of concrete construction and steel structure construction.Adopted method is to find information, to the specification requirements of safety parametersand design are compared, and one by one to find out the different between the twospecifications, and then from the perspective of security, the two specifications are comparedand summarized. Finally found the construction standard and European standard close in manyways, but compared to the European standard Chinese specification will be morecomprehensive, system and general. China-eu on most of the specification design specification,there are more or less the same differences between specification in China has manycharacteristics, safety requirements will be higher in some respects, but the European standardon overall safety contrast compared with China regulations on safety design requirements would be higher overall.
    Key words: China construction specifications; European construction specifications;Reinforced concrete structure; Steel structure; Security system


    1 绪论6

    1.1 课题研究的意义.. 6

    1.2我国建筑施工安全标准体系的发展历程. 6

    1.3欧洲建筑施工安全标准体系的发展历程. 7

    1.4典型的中欧施工安全体系的发展过程. 7

    1.4.1 中欧混凝土施工规范的发展过程.. 8

    1.4.2 中欧钢结构施工规范的发展过程.. 8


    2 中欧建筑施工安全标准体系的总体比较研究..10

    3 中欧混凝土施工安全体系比较研究...12

    3.1 中欧混凝土规范设计的设计原则和荷载效应组合. 12

    3.1.1 中欧规范混凝土承载极限的对比 12

    3.1.2 中欧混凝土设计规范正常使用极限状态设计的对比. 12

    3.1.3 中欧规范混凝土设计规范对于耐久性以及外在保护层的对比..13

    3.1.4 中欧规范混凝土设计规范对于混凝土保护层厚度的对比..15

    3.1.5 小结...16

    3.2 中欧混凝土规范设计的材料比较...17

    3.2.1 混凝土.. 17

    3.2.2 中欧混凝土规范设计强度标准值的比较17

    3.2.3 中欧混凝土规范的强度设计值的比较18

    3.2.4 中欧混凝土规范的弹性模量的比较18

    3.2.5 中欧混凝土规范的应力与应变的比较20

    3.2.6 钢筋...24

    3.2.7 欧规范的钢筋对比. 24

    3.2.8 中欧规范关于延伸性的比较.26

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