    摘要:特殊的工作环境与独特的工作对象所带来的安全风险,使钻井平台施工归于严重的危险源之列。在世界范围内,因施工事故造成沉没的钻井平台已达 60余座。在给人们带来巨大经济损失的同时,也给海洋环境造成了难以弥补的伤害。因此,对钻井平台进行危险辨识及作出与其相对应的安全对策十分重要。在本文中,以CJ46 自升式海上钻井平台施工为例,通过对钻井平台整个施工过程进行定量和定性分析后,找出其危险有害因素并建立起某钻井平台施工安全评价体系。运用 SPA(集对分析法)和模糊评价法,得出该钻井平台施工的安全等级,并针对其安全评级系统的薄弱环节,给出相对应的安全对策。该模式简单易行, 对防范海上钻井平台施工安全事故的发生具有一定的实际价值和启发意义。57163
    毕业论文关键词: 钻井平台施工;危险辨识;集对分析法;模糊评价法;安全对策
    Risk identification and Countermeasures for constructionof a drilling platform
    Abstract:Security risks special working environment and unique work of objects brought thedrilling platform construction attributed to a serious source of danger columns.In the world, dueto construction accidents caused by the sinking of the rig has reached more than 60.To bring inhuge economic losses, but also to the marine environment caused irreparable harm.Therefore,the drilling platform to hazard identification and its corresponding security measures is veryimportant.In this paper, in order to CJ46 jack-up offshore drilling platform construction, forexample, by drilling platforms throughout the construction process of quantitative andqualitative analysis to identify the risk factors and harmful to establish a drilling platformconstruction safety evaluation system.Using SPA (Set Pair Analysis) and fuzzy evaluation,obtained the drilling platform construction level of security and safety for its weaknesses ratingsystem, gives the corresponding safety measures.The model is simple, to prevent offshoredrilling platform construction safety accidents has a certain practical value and instructive.
    Key Words:Drilling platform construction;Hazard identification;set pair analysis method;Fuzzy evaluation method;Security Countermeasures


    1 绪论1

    1.1 引言...1

    1.2 我国钻井平台建设的发展概况..1

    1.3 国内外研究现状的分析.... 2

    1.4 研究的项目与内容...3

    2 某钻井平台施工危险辨识与分析....5

    2.1 某钻井平台施工步骤与技术.5

    2.1.1 某钻井平台施工步骤..5

    2.1.2 某钻井平台施工常用技术... 6

    2.2 某钻井平台施工特点... 7

    2.3 某钻井平台施工危险辨识 7

    2.3.1 钻井施工前期准备工作过程中的危险辨识....7

    2.3.2 钻进施工过程中的危险辨识....9

    2.3.3 完井作业工作中的危险辨识..10

    2.3.4 处理复杂情况的危险辨识. 11

    2.3.5 检修过程中的危险辨识 12

    3 某钻井平台施工安全评价体系构建及权重分配....7

    3.1 某钻井平台施工安全评价体系构建. 13

    3.2 某钻井平台施工安全评价体系权重分配...15

    3.2.1 层次分析法模型...15

    3.2.2 层次分析法的的Excel 计算...16

    4 基于集对分析法的某钻井平台施工安全评价.21

    4.1 集对分析模型的建立. 21

    4.2 集对分析法的具体应用.. 22

    5 基于模糊评价法的某钻井平台施工安全评价.26

    5.1 模糊评价法的数学模型.. 26

    5.2 模糊评价法的具体应用.. 28

    6 某钻井平台施工安全对策33

    6.1 钻井施工前期准备工作过程中的安全对策... 33

    6.2 钻进施工过程中的安全对策....36

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