摘 要本文以北京某公司为例,通过实地调研和多方参考,对知识产权战略进行了一系列的研究。此公司是电力设备的制造商和供应商,可以说是大型设备制造企业的代表之一,其产品有着研发周期长,更新速率缓慢的特点。此企业历经五十年磨砺,已然进入成熟期,然而面对着全球一体化的经济格局,以及国内市场经济的快速发展与个性化需求,该公司对于知识产权的管理模式和战略思维,已经不足以支撑企业的持续规模发展。通过对其采用的知识产权战略,知识产权管理的模式与架构的研究,总结了该企业五十年的发展历程,分析了近年来企业对于知识产权管理和知识产权战略制定的现状, 提出了基于开放式知识产权战略思想的,以 XX 公司为例的知识产权战略研究的课题,以期望对企业的知识产权战略现状进行改革。本文的研究内容阐述了此课题的立项背景和意义, 与知识产权战略相关的文献综述,论文的框架和研究方法;以北京某企业的有效专利数量,科技活动人员数量,与知识产权战略相关的部门架构和资金投入量为主线,分析该企业在知识产权管理和知识产权战略方面存在的问题与成因;基于知识产权开放性战略思想,以问题为逻辑起点提出针对与该企业的系统系解决方案与实施策略。论文中基于知识产权开放性战略思想的针对于北京某公司的知识产权战略创想方案设计,从对知识产权的认知入手,明辨企业自身要利用知识产权保护的是什么利益,在此基础上阐述了企业该如何进行知识产权组合的构建,而后提出了知识产权开放性战略,此战略是指以有限排他性战略为起点,以完全排他性战略(传统型—“剑盾”战略)为防止被侵犯的最后手段,凭借对知识产权进行的许可业务,从而在短期内就可得到研发产生的回报。核心是关注于对“信息”的管理,在确保企业自身不受其他企业知识产权制约的同时,通过知识产权的有偿共享以达到对自身技术和设备进行长期不断的革新和改进的目的。本文研究的目的在于借助先进的知识产权战略思想,理念与模式的应用,能帮助此公司解决现有问题,成为电站设备制造行业的有力竞争者之一。58900
Study on the Intellectual Property Strategy for X Company
Abstract X Company is used to be an example for writing this thesis which have a seriesof studying on the Intellectual Property Strategy by field researching and referencingother thesis.This company is power generating equipment supplier and producter.Withthe fifity-year’s development,the company has been a mature enterprise . In the faceof the global economic integration,the market’s rapid economic development and thedemand of personalization,the current idea about Intellectual Property Strategy in thiscompany has seriously restricted the sustainable development of the enterprise .Through the in-depth study of Intellectual Property Strategy theory and OpeningIntellectual Property Strategy mode,combined with the fifty years business process ofthe company and analysis for the current situation of the Intellectual Property Strategymanagement and decision,subject “study on Intellectual Property Strategy for XXCompany” is put forward and thus to reform the present situation of the enterprise’sIntellectual Property Strategy.In this thesis,the writer describes the background and significance of establishingsubject , the related review of Intellectual Property Strategy ,the frame and the studymethod of thesis at first . And then in accordance withe the business enterpriseeffective number of patents, science and technology activities, and related intellectualproperty rights strategy department structure and net inflow as the main line, analysisof the enterprise in the management of intellectual property right and intellectualproperty strategy problems and causes; Based on intellectual property rights strategyof openness to problems as the logical starting point for, and the system of theenterprise solution and implementation strategy.Paper is based on intellectual property open strategic thinking in company'sintellectual property rights strategy devised plan design, the paper starts from thecognition of intellectual property rights, right from the enterprise itself to takeadvantage of the protection of intellectual property rights is what interest, on the basis of elaborated the intellectual property portfolio companies how to build, and then putsforward the open strategy of intellectual property, this strategy refers to a limitedexclusive strategy as a starting point, with full exclusive strategy (traditional - "swordand shield" strategy) to prevent violations of last resort, with the licensing ofintellectual property business, thus the research and development to produce in theshort term can return. Core is focused on the management of the "information", inensuring that the enterprise itself is not affected by other enterprises intellectualproperty rights restriction, at the same time, through paid sharing of intellectualproperty rights to its own technology and equipment in order to achieve the purposeof long-term continuous innovation and improvement.The purpose of this study lies in using the advanced ideas of intellectual propertystrategy, the application of concept and mode, can help the company to solve theexisting problems, become one of the contenders of power station equipmentmanufacturing industry.
















