摘 要:建设服务型政府是我国政府改革的方向,政府改革成功与否与我国能否拥有一支奋发向上、有所作为、追求公共服务精神的公务员队伍息息相关。文章阐述了公务员激励机制对服务型政府建设的作用,分析了现阶段我国公务员激励机制存在的一系列问题,提出要转变激励理念、切实做到以人为本、完善公务员绩效考核体系、建立科学的职级晋升制度、建立合理灵活的薪酬制度、采用多元化的激励手段,以完善公务员激励机制,顺利推进我国服务型政府建设的进程。62495
Studying the incentive mechanism of civil servants based on service-oriented government
Abstract: What direction of our government is to establish a service-oriented government; whether the reforms of the government succeed or not depend on if our country has an upright, ambitious team of public servants with the spirit of willingness to serve the public. The article indicates the function of the motive-system of public servants on the construction of the service-oriented government. It analyzes that there exist a series of problems in the motive-system presently. It advocates that it should transform the conception of motive, completely base on human, improve the system of the performance evaluation of public servants, establish scientific regulations of promotion and reasonable and flexible system of salary, using multi-means of motive so as to better the motive system of public servants, smoothly pushing forward the progress of our country’s construction of service-oriented government.
Key Words: Service-oriented government; Public servant; Incentive mechanism; Problem; Solution