毕业论文关键词 民用航空 购票行为 影响因素 KANO模型
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title KANO analysis on influencing factors of airlines passengers’ purchasing behavior
As the regular services provided by civil aviation enterprise are becoming more and more homogenized, under such high pressure, in order to gain stronger competitiveness, the only way is to firstly know about the needs of the customers, then analyze the factors which influence their purchase behavior, so as to take effective management measures and enhance the satisfaction and loyalty of the customers. This thesis uses KANO analysis technology to analyze, rank, and screen the 16 factors which influence the passengers taking flight for business or entertainment (including price, time convenience, passenger cabin service, airport service, free delivery and consultation, frequent flyer program, airplane model, brand of the airlines, airline base, restrictive condition, personal experience, others’ experience, product information comparison, semantic description, fairness perception and accessible rate of the future air tickets), and then it leaves out airline base, semantic description, FFP, restrictive condition and others’ experience these 5 undifferentiated qualities. Based on that, this thesis takes a features classification analysis of the left factors, as well as a comparison study, thus figuring out a further instruction toward the civil aviation enterprise management.
Keywords Civil aviation Passenger ticket Influencing factors KANO model
目 次
1 引言 1
1.1 研究的背景 1
1.2 研究的目的和意义 2
1.3 文献综述 3
2 民航乘客购票行为的影响因素分析 4
2.1乘客分类 4
2.2 乘客购票行为的影响因素 5
2.3 乘客购票行为影响因素的初步框架 6
3 基于KANO模型的问卷分析 9
3.1 研究工具 6
3.2 问卷分析 9
3.3 KANO二维品质分析 11
3.4 两种乘客的异同比较 15
4 管理启示 16
结论 21
致谢 22
参考文献 23
1 引言