摘要超市的选址是影响商场经营效益的重要因素,超市经营的成功与否与它的选 址息息相关,成功的选址意味着超市经营成功的一半。对于快速发展的中国大型 超市来说,选址问题的分析研究是必不可少的。69977

近些年,对于选址问题的研究渐渐被国内外所重视,国外的有法国家乐福大 型商场在上海落户的选址策略研究、美国 KFC 快餐连锁店地址的决策研究等; 国内的有杨海丽的零售店选址研究等。然而他们的研究存在的问题是研究方法主 要是从经济的角度去考虑,并且研究过程中所使用的技术手段较为落后,使图上 的要素之间与现实中的地理实体之间缺乏联系,以至于商场定位存在直观性不明 确问题,并且人为因素影响较大。

若想解决这种问题的一个方法就是将 GIS 强大的、独有的空间分析功能与 大型商场选址相结合,地理信息系统独有的空间分析方法为超市选址提供了新的 方法和科学依据。利用 GIS 的空间分析理论、ArcGIS 软件和传统方法中的选址 指标进行综合分析,确定大型超市选址的影响因子,对各影响因子与要素进行综 合评价,最终判断已有超市的选址是否合理以及进行超市最佳位置预测。本文是 以徐州为研究区域,通过对徐州人口空间分布、交通可达性、城市商圈等相关选 址因子进行分析,得出适合大型超市选址的可行性方案,并为徐州市大型超市规 划选址提供参考和科学的建议[11]。

该论文有图 16 幅,表 6 个,参考文献 25 篇。

毕业论文关键词:徐州市 GIS 超市选址 空间分析

Evaluation and Analysis on the site selection of large supermarkets in Xuzhou based on GIS

Abstract The location of the supermarket is an important factor affecting the operating efficiency of the mall, the success of the supermarket management and its location is closely related to the successful location of the successful operation of the supermarket.For the rapid development of China's large supermarket, It is essential to analyse the location problem[25].

In recent years, the research of the location problem  has been valued  at home and abroad,In foreign countries, such as the location strategy research of French Carrefour shopping mall Settled in Shanghai and the United States KFC fast food chain address decision research;In the country, there are Yang Haili's retail store location research and so on.However, their research method is mainly consider from the economic point of view and research process in the use of technology is relatively backward, in addition,There is a lack of connection between the elements in the graph and the geographical entities in reality, so the positioning of the mall is intuitively clear and There are a lot of people.

One way to solve this problem is to combine GIS's powerful, unique spatial analysis capabilities that provides a new method and scientific basis for the location of the supermarket with large shopping malls.Using GIS's spatial analysis theory, ArcGIS software technology and the traditional method of site selection indicators for comprehensive analysis to determine the impact factor of large supermarket location to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the influence factors and elements, Finally determine the location of the existing supermarket is reasonable and the best location of the supermarket forecast.The research area of this paper is based on Xuzhou,Through the analysis of the spatial distribution of Xuzhou population,  traffic

accessibility, urban district and other related site factors,Suitable for large supermarket location of the feasibility of the program and to provide reference for the planning and location of large supermarkets in Xuzhou city and scientific advice.

















