摘要当前进入信息化的时代,跟随着时代的发展,O2O 的模式将会变成新的竞争点, 电子商务很快也会在人们的生活中占据更重要的地位。而在新一轮的商战中,线下的 战场将渐渐成熟,作战的主力军将从线下转移到线上。而作为中国家电零售业的旗帜 性企业——苏宁云商,必然会把握好这次千载难逢的机会,制定细致缜密的战略和配 套实施的策略,在如火如荼的家电连锁业中稳步发展。并且目前,网络购物安全和网 上支付安全的问题都已经得到了很好的解决,可是物流方面的问题却一直存在,尚未 得到解决,而线上商战的重点就在于用户体验,所以本文将要讨论的就是在这样的背 景下,苏宁易购通过手机终端的改变能够对顾客体验带来怎样的增益。79416
Study on the Satisfaction of Customer Experience of Suning。com Mobile Phone Terminal
Abstract The current into the era of information technology, with the development of the times, the O2O model will become a new point of competition, e-commerce will soon occupy a more important position in people's lives。 In a new round of war, the battlefield line will gradually mature, the operations of the main forces will shift from offline to online。 And as the Chinese home appliance retail industry flagship companies - Su ningyun, will grasp this golden opportunity formulated detailed careful strategy and supporting the implementation of the strategy, develop steadily in the home appliance chain industry in full swing。 And at present, secure online shopping and online payment security problems have been solved very well, but the logistics problem has always existed, which have not been solved yet, and online commercial focus is user experience, so that will be discussed in this paper is in such a background, Suning Tesco by mobile terminal changes can bring about how to gain the customer experience。
Keywords: Suning 。com; customers satisfaction; data analysis
目 录
1 绪论 1
1。1 研究背景 1
1。2 研究意义 1
1。3 研究方向、内容 2
1。3。1 研究方向:用户体验满意度 2
1。3。2 苏宁云商手机终端 2
1。4 研究目标 2
1。5 研究思路和研究方法 2
2 相关理论基础、研究综述 4
2。1 国内外研究综述 4
2。1。1 国外研究综述 4
2。1。2 国内研究综述 4
2。1。3 顾客满意度理论 5
2。2 本章小结 5
3 苏宁易购手机终端顾客体验满意度实证分析 7
3。1 数据描述与统计 7
3。2 信度和效度检验 7
3。2。1 信度检验 7
3。2。2 效度检验