    城市污水经过该工艺处理以后,预计可达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB8978-2002)中的排放标准,即CODcr≦100mg/L;BOD5≦20mg/L;SS≦100mg/L;NH3-N≦8mg/L;TN≦20 mg/L; TP≦3 mg/L,每年削减向环境排放的COD为10220吨。达到消除污染、实现保护环境、造福人类的目的。
    毕业论文关键词: 污水处理;A/O处理工艺;活性污泥法;脱氮
     Optimized design of multistage biochemical treatment process for 10000m3/d of municipal sewage treatment engineering
    General information of the design:This design is mainly involved in wastewater from domestic sewage in the region.The initial design plans: The amount of sewage is 10000 m3/ d. The indicator of waste water quality standard is CODcr=800mg/L、BOD5=300mg/L、SS=500mg/L、NH3-N=40mg/L、TN= 60mg/L、TP=5.0mg/L.
    By comparing the research of several biology treating processes, the design uses the Anaerobic/Oxic Process and the following three stage treatment,to remove nitrogen,phosphorus,degradation of organic compounds,get more clean and clear of water quality.
    Anaerobic/Oxic Process is mainly the denitrification reaction with organic substances as carbon source in wastewater, a lot of nitrate containing mixedliquid in the aeration tank, the inner circulation to the anoxic tank for denitrification in it.Finally,the addition of ferrous sulfate for suspended solids, chemical residues of colloids and phosphorus the further processing reaction in themixed reaction pool, then through the sand filter to mixed sediment, for further purify the water quality.
    In accordance with the established process, the design selects the process parameters of structures (including the grating, the horizontal flow sedimentation tank, regulating tank,the primary settling tank,A/O biological reaction tank,secondary sedimentation tank,a mixed reaction tank,sand filter and sludge concentration tank) and calculates the main size,the hydraulic loss, and finished of introduction of design process,process flow diagram,factory layout and main monomer structure map.
    The design is technically feasible and economically reasonable results. The project cost 23.15million yuan, invest-ment, operating costs 4.399million yuan/ year. Equivalent to the sewage treatment costs 0.41yuan/m3.The whole process designed can effectively save the project investments, reduce processing costs, reduce the space with a total investment of less stable, to ensure that emissions from waste-water reach the standard and it is a simple process.The design strictly follow countries related regulations,specification and standard which ensure that the processing water quality index reached the appropriate countries emissions standard,refered related design manual and other literature information;the layout of waterwater treatment device is compact and smooth ,meanwhile,it is supposed to reduce occupied area as far as possible,adhere to the total chief principles by combination of practical and beautiful phase,select simple process。
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