    摘要 总悬浮颗粒物是指漂浮在空气中的固态和液态颗粒物的总称,其粒径范围约为0.1-100 微米。有些颗粒物因粒径大或颜色黑可以为肉眼所见,比如烟尘。有些则小到使用电子显微镜才可观察到。通常把粒径在10微米以下的颗粒物称为PM10,又称为可吸入颗粒物或飘尘。动力学直径≤10微米的粒子。它们是可在大气中长期飘浮的悬浮微粒,也称可吸入微粒、可吸入尘或飘尘。由于粒径小能被入直接吸入呼吸道内造成危害,尤其是≤2.5微米的细粒子中,Pb、Mn、Cd、Sb、Sr、As、Ni、硫酸盐、多环芳烃等含量较高,在空气中持留时间长,易将污染物带到很远的地方使污染范围扩大。对环境的有害影响还有散射阳光、隆低大气的能见度等。可吸入尘同时在大气中还可为化学反应提供反应床,是气溶胶化学中研究的重点对象,已被定为空气质量监测的一个重要指标。可吸入颗粒物严重影响空气质量和人体健康。典型室内可吸入颗粒物的来源及其对人体健康的影响,国内外学者对可吸入颗粒物已经做了很多研究。探讨并初步介绍了室内可吸入颗粒物的一些防治措施,以进一步提高室内空气品质。  23998
    毕业论文关键词 可吸入颗粒物;来源;防治措施
    Study on pollution of indoor inhalable particles in the center of Shanghai City
    Abstract:Total suspended particulate matter refers to the floorboard of the solid and liquid particles floating in the air, their range of grain diameter is about 0.1-100 microns. Some particles because of the large particle size or color black for the naked eye can see, such as soot. Some are too small to using electron microscope to observe. The particle size is usually placed in the following 10 microns particles called PM10, also known as particulate matter, or fly ash. Kinetics of diameter of particles 10 microns or less. They can be long-term floating in atmospheric particulate matter, also calls the inhalable particles, dust inhaled or fly ash. Because of the small particle size, can be the direct cause harm to the respiratory tract, especially fine particles of 2.5 micrometers or less, Pb, Mn, Cd, Sb, Sr, As, Ni, sulfate, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, such As content is higher, the time to stay long in the air, easy to bring pollutants to far away places to expand the area of pollution. Harmful effects to the environment and scatter sunshine, long low atmospheric visibility, etc. Inhalable dust in the atmosphere at the same time can also provide bed reaction, chemical reaction is the key of the aerosol chemistry research object, has been as an important index of air quality monitoring. Particulate matter seriously affect the air quality and human health. Typical sources of indoor particulate matter and its effect on human health, the domestic and foreign scholars on particulate matter have done a lot of research. Discusses and introduces some of indoor particulate matter control measures, in order to further improve indoor air quality
    Keywords: inhalable particles; sources; prevention measures
    1 绪论
     1.1 选题背景•1
     1.2 选题原因•2
     1.3 pm2.5和pm10简述••3
     1.4 室内可吸入颗粒的主要来源4
     1.5 pm2.5人类健康造成的危害• 6
    2 对可吸入颗粒物的防治措施
     2.1 控制室外污染源• 7
     2.2 合理选用建筑装潢材料•9
     3.1仪器• 14
     3.2商场的pm2.5 和pm10的测定  16
     3.3娱乐场所的pm2.5和pm10的测定• 18
    4 总结•27
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