    The Improvements of Manganese Dioxide for Supercapacitor
    Abstract:Supercapacitor, often called electrochemical capacitors, it is a new energy storage device capacitors between battery and conventional capacitors. Compared with traditional capacitors, supercapacitors have the advantages of high power density, environment-friendly, low cost, fast charge-discharge and long service life. They have attracted much attention in many fields such as regenerative braking in hybrid vehicles, cold engine starting. Currently scientists have focused on the electrode materials, this thesis is through using the method of chemical oxidative polymerization in situ preparation of polypyrrole/manganese dioxide nano materials, improve the conductivity of manganese dioxide, and by changing the ratio of the composite material for synthesis of the composite material,acquiring the best synthetic method of the composite material. Using XRD,ir,scanning electron microscopy (SEM),for characterizing the physical properties of materials.Using cyclic voltammograms,constant current charge and discharge for investigating the supercapacitor properties of materials.The research results show that when 'the molar ratio of FeCl3•6H2O and PPy is 1:1,the molar ratio of KMnO4 and MnSO4•H2O is 2:3''the molar of FeCl3•6H2O is 0.045 mol,PPy is 0.015 mol,KMnO4 is 0.004 mol,MnSO4•H2O is 0.006 mol'.In these conditions, synthesis of polypyrrole/manganese dioxide composite material has the best capacitance value,204.3F/g.
    Keywords: Oxidation polymerization;Supercapacitor;Polypyrrole;specific capacitance;electrochemical performance
     目  录
    1绪论    1
    1.1超级电容器的研究背景    1
    1.2超级电容器的分类    2
    1.2.1双电层电容器的概念及工作原理    2
    1.2.2赝电容的概念及工作原理    3
    1.3二氧化锰在超级电容器中的应用    3
    1.3.1二氧化锰的优缺点    3
    1.3.2用于超级电容器的二氧化锰的合成方法    4
    1.3.3对二氧化锰基电极材料的改性研究    4
    1.4导电聚合物电极材料    5
    1.5本论文的主要研究内容    5
    2实验部分    6
    2.1实验仪器和药品    6
    2.1.1实验仪器    6
    2.1.2实验药品    6
    2.2二氧化锰/聚吡咯纳米粒子的制备    6
    2.3物理表征    7
    2.3.1X射线衍射(XRD)分析    7
    2.3.2傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)分析    7
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