    关键词  闪光爆震剂  强光  光辐射强度  燃烧温度
    Title  Influences of Additives on Barium Nitrate/Magnesium-Based  Flash Detonation Agent                                     
    As one of nonlethal weapons, bright light blinding weapons are playing  increasingly important roles in anti-terrorism activities. This topic is devoted to optimize the formulation, and analyze influence of additives on barium nitrate / magnesium-based flash detonation agent in order to select the formula which has the best combustion performance. Bases on the barium nitrate / magnesium-based formula which fits zero oxygen balance, this paper focuses on the five factors:first, different types of metal oxide additives; second, different size of raw materials; third, different contents of the metal oxide; forth, modified barium nitrate is used or not. In this paper, experiments of different formulas are carried out respectively, and this paper measures their optical radiation intensity and combustion temperature. Then, this paper shows the combustion speed and the best program:Adding three percents additive two which is 200 mesh in the barium nitrate / magnesium-based flash detonation agent, and using the modified barium nitrate oxidizer.    
    Keywords  Flash detonation agent  Strong light  optical radiation intensity  combustion temperature
    目   次
    1 绪论  1
    1.1  前言 1
    1.2  国内外研究应用概况 2
    1.3  研究目的和意义 2
    1.4  课题研究内容 2
    2  金属氧化物对硝酸钡/镁基闪光爆震剂燃烧性能的影响 4
    2.1  实验内容概况4
    2.2  闪光爆震剂的制备4
    2.3  闪光爆震剂药柱的制备5
    2.4  闪光爆震剂燃烧性能测试 6
    3  添加剂2对硝酸钡/镁基闪光爆震剂燃烧性能的影响  7
    3.1  实验情况总结7
    3.2  实验数据及结果7
    3.3  添加剂2和添加剂1添加剂的比较实验17
      4  添加剂2颗粒粒径对硝酸钡/镁基闪光爆震剂燃烧性能的影响 25
    4.1  实验情况总结25
    4.2  实验数据及结果25
      5  添加剂2含量对硝酸钡/镁基闪光爆震剂燃烧性能的影响32
    5.1  实验情况总结32
    5.2  实验数据及结果32
      6  改性硝酸钡对硝酸钡/镁基闪光爆震剂燃烧性能的影响40
    6.1  实验情况总结40
    6.2  实验数据及结果40
    结论  44
    致谢  45
    1  绪论
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