     通过整个工艺流程可以较好得降低污水中CODcr 、BOD5、SS、NH3-N,从而符合《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)一级B排放标准排放的要求。
    第二,整个工艺运行相对稳定,污水处理效果较好, BOD5的处理效果较高,一般处理水平可达95%左右,同时脱氮效率也比较高,一般处理水平可达80%以上;相对于其他工艺而言,氧化沟工艺水力停留时间长、泥龄长,因此能够更好地承受水质水量的冲击负荷并且对浓度较高的污水具有较强的适应能力。
    第三, 能够在同一个沟渠中实现有机物和总氮的去除,从而降低成本;电耗较小,运行费用较低;另外,在污水处理规模较小的情况下,氧化沟工艺的建设投资成本比传统活性污泥法更节省。
    关键词:生活污水;脱氮;氧化沟Nitrogen removal wastewater treatment process design
    General description of the design: The graduation design topic for nitrogen removal from wastewater treatment process design, the main task is to analyze the sewage treatment technology and process, so as to determine the type and amount of nitrogen removal process and the construction of sewage treatment plant, the design process of structures and equipment as well as the sewage plant construction and various types of pipe canal, overall layout, let the sewage treatment process reasonably available nitrogen, so as to get a higher sewage denitrification rate. At the same time to draw the process flow diagram, design parameters of effluent meet the related standards and calculation. The process of sewage treatment I selected as follows:
     Better reduce the wastewater CODcr, BOD5, SS, NH3-N through the entire process, to meet the "urban sewage treatment plant pollutant discharge standard" (GB18918-2002) level B emission standard emission requirements.
    The main process of my choice for oxidation ditch process, because it has the following characteristics:
    First, the process and the device structure is relatively simple, easy process operation and maintenance management. Second, the whole process of relatively stable operation, good sewage treatment effect, high treatment effect of BOD5, the general processing level of up to about 95%, while the nitrogen removal efficiency is high, the above general level of up to 80%; compared with other processes, the oxidation ditch process long hydraulic retention time, sludge age long, so the impact load can be better under water and the high concentration wastewater with a strong ability to adapt. Third , to achieve the removal of organic matter and total nitrogen in the same ditch, thereby reducing the cost; the power consumption is small, low operation cost; in addition, the sewage treatment of smaller, oxidation ditch process construction investment more cost savings than traditional activated sludge process.
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