    摘要:油田和炼油厂及其附属污水处理厂会产生大量含油污泥,因为含油污泥的成分极其复杂,加上它含固率低,含水率高,体积庞大的特点,所以处理起来具有一定的难度。在污泥减容方面,超热蒸汽干化技术已在有运用实例,泥饼的含油率可以由98% 降低至75%~80%;水热处理技术利用将含油污泥进行水热预处理,再经过脱水处理,含油率由70.6% 降低至 33.6%,当反应温度为 110~190℃,反应时间为30 min时,含油污泥的减容率可达到78.8%以上。在无害化处理方面,焚烧技术较成熟,减容率高,无害化较彻底,余热可充分利用,而层燃螺旋炉排焚烧炉投资适中、操作安全、焚烧彻底且效率高、无需预处理、无二次污染等,尤其适合含油污泥的焚烧处理;热解法的处理效果也比较理想;土地耕种技术对环境破坏较小,回本快,但处理所需的条件较多,需要对土地做细致的考察;固化处理技术必须在无害化处理的基础上进一步制作成建材资源利用才能根本上解决污染问题。31581
    毕业论文关键词: 含油污泥;超热蒸汽干化技术;水热处理技术;焚烧;热解法;土地耕作技术;固化处理
    Investigation and Analysis of Treatment Technology of Oily Sludge  Treatment
    Abstract: Oil and refineries and their affiliated sewage treatment plants will produce a large number of oily sludge, because the composition of oil sludge is extremely complex, coupled with its low solid content, high moisture content, bulky characteristics, so it has a certain degree of difficulty to deal with The In the aspect of sludge reduction, the supercritical steam drying technology has been used in the case, the oil content of the cake can be reduced from 98% to 75% ~ 80%; hydrothermal treatment technology using oil sludge for hydrothermal pretreatment, After the dehydration treatment, the oil content is reduced from 70.6% to 33.6%. When the reaction temperature is 110 ~ 190 ℃ and the reaction time is 30 min, the oil reduction rate will reach 78.8%. In the harmless treatment, the incineration technology is more mature, high rate of reduction, harmless more thorough, waste heat can be fully utilized, and layer of spiral furnace incinerator investment is moderate, safe operation, burning completely and efficient, without pre- Treatment, no secondary pollution, especially for oily sludge incineration; pyrolysis of the treatment effect is also more ideal; land farming technology on the environmental damage is small, back to the fast, but the required conditions for more, need On the land to do a detailed study; curing technology must be based on the harmless treatment to further make the use of building materials to fundamentally solve the pollution problem.
    Key words:  Oil-bearing sludge; super-hot steam drying technology; hydrothermal treatment technology; incineration; Pyrolysis; land cultivation techniques; Curing treatment
    目  录

    Key words1
    1  超热蒸汽干化技术2
    2  水热处理技术3
    3  焚烧处理3
    3.1  焚烧炉选择3
    3.2  工艺流程4
    3.3  应用效果4
    4  热解法4
    4.1  热解原理4
    4.2  热解法影响因素5
    4.2.1  温度对热解反应的影响5
    4.2.2  加热速率对热解反应的影响5
    4.2.3  反应时间对热解反应的影响5
    5  土地耕作法5
    5.1  方法使用要求5
    5.2  运行条件 5
    5.2.1  位置选择和准备5
    5.2.2  污泥施用速率与频率5
    5.3  实际应用及效果6
    6  固化技术7
    7  讨论8
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