High concentration anaerobic wastewater treatment technology
Abstract:In recent years, China's industrial wastewater treatment has been at the next lower level, wastewater emissions far greater than the demand for water. The presence of trace water POPs pose a serious threat to human normal life activities. Further research and application have been attached to anaerobic wastewater treatment process widely, which is an economical, competitive and mature biological technique. Moreover,it can simultaneously contribute t o environmental protection, resource reuse and optimal ecological recycle leading to favorable social, economic and environmental benefit. Its engineering application is very wide. This paper uses the UASB which as a high efficiency anaerobic reactor for wastewater treatment, the amount of catalyst from pH,hydraulic residence time, temperature and other aspects of the experiment. Obtain optimum temperature of 32 degrees Celsius, the optimum hydraulic retention time of 6 hours, optimum pH 4 and so on. The experimental result show that,under appropriate conditions,the removal rate of COD can reach more than 80%. Of practical significance in this experiment, the experiment can be concluded pollutants in industrial wastewater treatment practices and provide technical reference works.
Keywords: industrial wastewater; anaerobic treatment; COD;high efficiency anaerobic reactor
1概述 1
2厌氧生物处理原理与过程 1
2.1废水厌氧生物处理的生物相 2
2.1.1产酸菌 2
2.1.2产甲烷菌 3
2.1.3厌氧微生物群体间的关系 4
2.2废水厌氧生物处理的净化反应原理 5
2.2.1两阶段理论 5
2.2.2三阶段理论 5
2.3厌氧废水处理的影响因素 6
2.3.1温度 6
2.3.2 pH 7
2.3.3营养物与微量元素 8
2.3.4有毒物质 8
2.3.5氧化还原电位 8
2.4厌氧处理工艺的特点 8
3废水厌氧生物处理技术的产生与发展 9
3.1第一代厌氧反应器 9
3.2第二代厌氧反应器 10
3.3第三代厌氧反应器 10
4 UASB反应器 10
4.1 UASB反应器的基本构造 11
4.1.1污泥床 11
4.1.2污泥悬浮层 11
4.1.3沉降区 11
4.1.4三相分离器 12
4.2 UASB反应器主要有两种形式 12
4.2.1开敞式UASB反应器 12
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