
    Because of the high concentration of printing and dyeing wastewater, the color of the large color, the use of chemical and biochemical methods are often difficult to meet the requirements of the effluent quality, and the biochemical method is needed.. The main body is the biological contact oxidation process for wastewater treatment process.
    The process flow is: grid conditioning pool - hydrolysis acidification pool - biological contact oxidation pond - two sedimentation tank (vertical flow sedimentation tank) - sludge thickening pool - disinfection pool - cleaning tank

    First, the printing and dyeing wastewater through the grille, remove some of the more likely to plug the water pump and pipe valve of the thicker suspended solids. With and into the adjustment pool, with the temporary storage of sewage, and set aeration equipment, so that the water quality of the uniform. Subsequently, the pump is the wastewater into the hydrolysis acidification pool, the pool used to degrade polymer organics, improve the biodegradability of wastewater. Biological contact oxidation pool is the main part of the whole process, the biological contact oxidation process is between activity between sludge and biological aerated filter two biological sewage treatment technology, both activated sludge process and biofilm process characteristics. Finally, the sludge concentration of Sinotrans, water disinfection discharge after treatment or further processing.
    This process has the advantages of compact structure, convenient operation, low impact load, small amount of sludge, high degree of automation and low labor intensity..
    Sewage plant layout is reasonable, the focus is outstanding, the area is small, the environment is beautiful, closely around the concept of environmental protection.
    KeyWords: Printing and dyeing wastewater;Hydrolytic acidification;Biological contact oxidation process;Technological process
    1绪论    3
    2印染废水的处理概况    4
    2.1废水的来源    4
    2.2废水的特点    4
    2.3废水的处理方法    5
    2.3.1 物理处理法    5
    2.3.2 化学处理法    6
    2.3.3 生物处理法    7
    2.3.4 发展中的处理新技术    8
    3设计方案    9
    3.1设计依据、原则及范围    9
    3.2设计水量水质    10
    3.3方案选择    10
    3.4工艺流程    10
    3.5处理效果预测    11
    4设计计算    11
    4.1格栅    11
    4.1.1设计说明    11
    4.1.2设计参数    11
    4.1.3设计计算    12
    4.2调节池    15
    4.2.1设计说明    15
    4.2.2设计参数    15
    4.2.3设计计算    15
    4.3集水井设计    16
    4.3.1设计说明    16
    4.3.2设计计算    16
    4.3.3泵的选型    16
    4.4水解酸化池    17
    4.4.1设计说明    17
    4.4.2设计计算    17
    4.5生物接触氧化池    18
    4.5.1设计说明    18
    4.5.2设计参数    21
    4.5.3设计计算    22
    4.6二沉池    21
    4.6.1设计说明    21
    4.6.2设计参数    22
    4.6.3设计计算    22
    4.7浓缩池    24
    4.7.1设计说明    24
    4.7.2设计参数    24
    4.7.3设计计算    25
    4.8消毒池    27
    4.8.1设计说明    27
    4.8.2设计参数    27
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