    摘要随着人们生活水平的提高,工业的发展,水污染问题越来越严重使得许多国家和地区制定严格的氮、磷排放标准,这也使污水脱氮除磷技术成为污水处理的热门研究领域。因此,污水的生物脱氮除磷技术具有重要的现实意义。本文基于缺氧-好氧SBR反应器(A/O SBR),研究了不同温度对生物脱氮除磷过程中污染物的去除效果。实验结果显示,温度对反应器TN和氨氮的去除影响较大;而对TP和TOC的去除影响并不明显,这是由于自养菌和异养菌代谢活动受温度影响不同导致的。在缺氧阶段反应器中TOC浓度迅速下降,并在缺氧阶段末端降至最低,同时TP浓度上升;在好氧阶段TOC浓度趋于稳定,而TP浓度下降。聚磷菌等异养微生物对温度的适应范围比较宽泛,温度对其微生物代谢活动影响并不明显。39218
    毕业论文关键词:A/O SBR、脱氮、除磷、温度    
          With the improvement of people's living standard, the development of the industry, more and more countries and regions have made strict nitrogen, phosphorus emission standards because of the serious water pollution problems. Therefore, it has the important practical significance for nitrogen and phosphorus removal by biological technology. The paper based on the anoxic - aerobic SBR reactor (A/O SBR), to study the removal effect of pollutants under different temperature in biological removal of nitrogen and phosphorus removal in the process . Experimental results show that the temperature had large effect on the removal efficiency of the TN and ammonia nitrogen; the temperature had little effect on the removal efficiency of the TP and TOC, because it has different effect on autotrophic bacteria and heterotrophic bacteria metabolism. The concentration of TOC decreased rapidly in the period of hypoxia and dropped to the lowest in the anoxic stage ends and the concentration of TP increased at the same time; The concentration of TOC tended to be stable, while the TP concentration decreased in the aerobic stage. Phosphorus accumulating bacteria and such heterotrophic microorganisms could tolerate a wide range of temperatures and the temperature has little effect on the microbial metabolic activity.
    Keywords: A/O SBR; Nitrogen Removal; Phosphorous Removal; Temperature
    Abstract    2
    1.前言    4
    1.1活性污泥污水处理工艺概况    4
    1.2 A/O SBR工艺简介及研究现状    4
    1.2.1 A/O 工艺    5
    1.2.2 SBR 工艺    5
    1.2.3脱氮除磷机理    6
    1.3研究目的和研究内容    7
    1.3.1研究目的    7
    1.3.2研究内容    7
    2.实验材料与方法    7
    2.1实验装置    7
    2.2接种污泥和实验用水    8
    2.3 实验内容    10
    2.4水质分析内容与方法    10
    3.结果与讨论    11
    3.1 温度对反应器运行效果的影响    11
    3.2 不同温度下反应器运行参数DO、pH周期变化    12
    3.2.1 pH    13
    3.3.2 DO    14
    3.3不同温度下污染物浓度变化    14
    3.3.1典型周期内TP、TOC转化过程    14
    3.3.2典型周期内NH4+-N、NO3--N、NO2--N的变化规律    16
    4.结论    17参考文献    181.前言
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