    摘要: 。离子液体作为纤文素的非衍生化溶剂,在纤文素研究中呈现出了良好的发展态势。采用离子液体[BMIM]c1溶解法分离废弃涤棉混纺织物中的涤纶与棉纤文。研究预处理、溶解温度、固液比、溶解时间等因素对溶解过程的影响,并对溶解前后纱线的结构及性能进行表征。结果表明,该方法可有效地分离棉纤文含量较低的废弃涤棉混纺织物,溶解的棉纤文可变成固态纤文素,残留的纱线为涤纶纤文,其性能没有显著变化。适宜的溶解工艺参数:常温下清水浸泡纱线72 h,溶解温度为130~135℃ ,固液比为1~1.1 g涤棉:50 g离子液体,溶解时间为4 h。7003
    关键词 废弃涤棉混纺织物;组分分离;离子液体;棉纤文溶解
    Com ponents separation of waste polyester-cotton blended textilewith ionic liquid dissolving m ethod
    Abstract:As the nonderivative cellulose solvent,ionic liquids have gained increasingly considerable interest in the research of cellulose Ionic liquid[BMIM]C1 was used to separate polyester and cottonfrom waste polyester-cottonblended textile.The influences of pretreatment,dissolving temperature and time,solid—liquid ratio,etc.on the dissolving process were studied,along with characterization of the structure and properties of theyarns before and after dissolution. The results showed that this method can efectively separate wastepolyester—cotton blended textile with lower cotton content. The dissolved cotton can be turned to solidcellulose.The residual yarn was polyester whose performance has no significant change. The suitabledissolving process parameters were:immersing the yarns 72 h in water at room temperature,dissolvingtemperature 1 30~ 1 35 ℃ . solid—liquid ratio of 1 ~ 1.1 g polyester—cotton: 50 g ionic liquids. anddissolving time 4 h.
    Key words: waste polyester—cotton blended textile; components separ
    1  前言    1
    1.1  离子液体简要介绍    1
    1.2  离子液体的发展历史    1
    1.3  双酸位离子液体的发展历史    3
    1.4  离子液体的性质及表征    3
    1.4.1  离子液体的性质    3
    1.4.2  离子液体的分类    4
    1.4.3  离子液体的合成    5
    1.4.4  离子液体的表征    7
    1.5  离子液体的应用    8
    1.5.1  离子液体在有机合成中的应用    7
    1.5.2  离子液体对纤文素的溶解机理    10
    1.5.3  离子液体对纤文素的溶解    13
    1.5.4  离子液体对纤文素的溶解机理    14
    1.6  课题研究意义及内容    15
    2 实验结果及讨论    16
    2.1  实验试剂    17
    2.2  实验方法    18
    2.3  实验结果及讨论    19
    3  结论    21
    参考文献    22
    致谢    26  
    1 前言
    1.1  离子液体简要介绍
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