


    Study on characteristic aroma components of black tea

     Abstract: Tea is one of the most popular healthy drinking in th world and widely produced in many countries and regions.Tea originated from china, the culture of drinking tea is popular in china as well,According to the different technique of making tea,there are six major type of tea : secondary-fermented Dark tea, full-fermented black tea, half -fermented oolong tea, mild-fermented white tea and yellow tea and unfermented green tea.As a scientific  and healthy lifestyle,drinking tea is totally accepted by the public.In all types of tea,black tea is the most acceptable tea in the world,so it’s worth studying.The reason why study on the aroma of tea has a lot of potential application value is that the aroma of tea is the important factor of the quality about tea.which is important factors of capturing and cultivating the consumers loyalty ,even deciding the price of the tea market as well. In this paper ,by using methods such as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) , SPEM and mathematical statistics to systematicly analyze the volatile component of five different type of tea.To find the main reason of which influence the aroma of the tea,the aroma of different type of tea were compared synthetically.

    KeyWords: Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS);PAC;variance analysis


    1  绪论 1

     1.1  红茶的研究概述 1

      1.1.1 红茶的概述以及品种 1

      1.1.2 红茶香气成分的研究概述 2

     1.2 提取方法 2

      1.2.1同时蒸馏萃取法  (SDE) 3

      1.2.2减压蒸馏萃取法 (VDE) 3

      1.2.3  顶空吸附法(HSA) 3

      1.2.4超临界二氧化碳萃取法 (SFE) 4

      1.2.5 固相微萃取技术  (SPME) 4

     1.3定性分析 4

      1.3.1气相色谱法(Gas Chromatography,GC) 5

      1.3.2质谱法(Mass Spectrometry,MS) 5

      1.3.3气相色谱-质谱联用仪(Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer,GC-MS) 5

     1.4定量分析 6


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