
    Calculation grit chamber,0oxidation ditch,0secondary sedimentation tank the grid etc .

    It proposed to design the sewage factory belong to small and medium-sized sewage factory, less investment, simple operation and management. After sewage treatment the effluent water quality should meet the following criteria :BOD5<30mg/l ,COD<100mg/l,SS<30mg/l ,NH3-N<1mg/l.The sewage treatment plant project, the total amount to 80,000 tons / day. The wastewater treatment plant sewage treatment process : from the pumping station to Grit Chamber, enter oxidation ditch, two sedimentation tank, the final effluent; Sludge Process : two from the settling tank discharge of the first to reach the remaining sludge thickening tank, sludge thickening, and then enter Digester, After digestion of sludge sent to the belt filter presses, and further dehydration, transported to the landfill.

     In the selection process, the main comparative oxidation ditch and SBR method, combined with its advantages and disadvantages of the final selection by oxidation ditch. As the oxidation ditch type selected, after weighed against the decision to adopt Carrousel Oxidation Ditch

    Because of this the proposed wastewater treatment plant located in Guiyang ,so the full consideration of the Guiyang weather, water, topography and other conditions,  so that the construction of the wastewater treatment plant is more economical, but also the future operation and management more handy.

    In the general arrangement of the wastewater treatment plant, as much as possible to do the planes and elevation layout coordination and harmonization in accordance with the proposed sewage treatment process premise, in its layout as much as possible using the original topography, strive to achieve rational distribution of the sewage plant, compact layout, while paying attention to the purpose of saving the land. Because of the sewage factory will produce a large amount of sludge, also with this in mind when the design and set the sludge area in low-lying and summer under the dominant wind direction of the wind in order to reduce the smell of the sludge on the effects of the surrounding areas. For the problem of safety of wastewater reuse are made fully consider and put forward the corresponding measures. In consulting a large number of literature data and to have been built sewage factory do a lot of understanding, for the whole design scheme for the modify and perfect, strive for perfection, make water quality reach standard. The concept of a complete set of technical process are accord with actual operation, the monomer structures of each part of design and parameter selection are in accordance with the corresponding specification. 

     Key words: oxidation ditch process; Sludge concentration

     目         录

    前言 1

    第一章 设计概论 2

    1.1 设计依据及资料 2

    1.2 进出水水质 3

    第二章 工艺流程的确定 4

    2.1 生活污水处理的现状和发展 4

    2.2 污水处理中生物方法的比较 5

    2.3 选定工艺流程 7

    2.4 物料衡算 10

    第三章 污水处理系统设计计算 11

    3.1 粗格栅 11

    3.2 细格栅 14

    3.3 污水提升泵站 16

    3.4 沉砂池 16

    3.5 氧化沟 20

    3.6 二沉池的设计和计算

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  2. 下一篇:阳离子交换膜修饰液液界面上相转移结晶现象的研究
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