    摘要:    根据任务书的要求,本设计进行了年产1万吨硬PVC管材车间工艺设计。论文编写期间查阅了大量的文献资料,了解了塑料管材的种类,以及各种塑料管材的优异性能,特别针对硬PVC塑料管材进行了具体研究与分析,对其市场现状与未来发展前景进行了解,同时也了阐述了其生产工艺流程与生产过程中所用到的设备及其型号等。还对年产1万吨的硬PVC管材进行了车间工艺设计,详细写出了物料衡算和能量衡算的过程以及车间布置等。
        硬PVC管材采用如下生产流程:PVC树脂和助剂加入高速混合机中,经高速混合机的混合,进入到低速混合机中继续混合,使其充分混合均匀,然后过筛、造粒、挤出后冷却定型,用牵引机牵引,然后经切割机切割,扩口后得到成品。生产过程中也考虑了低成本、低污染、高性能、可循环利用等理念对车间进行合理设计和优化,并绘制了工艺流程图车间平面布置图。关键词:    硬PVC管材;车间工艺设计;工艺流程;挤出成型8476
    An annual output of 10000 tons of PVC-U Pipe workshop design
    Abstract: According to the requirements of the mission,the design is the annual output of 10000 tons of PVC -U pipe workshop for the design process. The thesis writing time access to a large number of documents to understand the types and performance of the plastic pipes, as well as the excellent properties of plastics pipes, Special detailed research and analysis for PVC-U plastic pipe, understand the market situation and future prospects, Also described the use of its production process and production process equipment and its types. Also conducted a workshop process design of an annual output of 10000 tons of hard PVC pipe, write the details of the material balance and energy balance and workshop layout.
    PVC-U pipe adopts the following processes: PVC resin and additives are added into a high-speed mixer, mixing speed mixer, poured into a low-speed mixing to machine, which are fully mixed evenly, and then sieved, forming extrusion cooling, traction machine, and then by cutting machine, flared after finished product. The production process is also taken into account in the low cost, low pollution, high performance, can be recycled to use concepts such as rational design and optimization of workshop, and draw the process flow chart of workshop layout.
    Keywords:     PVC-U pipe; workshop design; process flow; extrusion molding
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    目录    iii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    本设计的任务    1
    1.2    塑料管材    1
    1.3    塑料管材分类    2
    1.3.1    硬质聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)管    2
    1.3.2    氯化聚氯乙烯(PVC-C)管    2
    1.3.3    聚乙烯(PE)管    2
    1.3.4    交联聚乙烯(PE-X)管    3
    1.3.5    三型聚丙烯(PP-R)管    3
    1.3.6    聚丁烯(PB)管    3
    1.3.7    工程塑料(ABS)管    3
    1.4    硬PVC管材的性能和应用情况    3
    1.4.1    硬PVC管材的性能特点    3
    1.4.2    与其他管材相比较    4
    1.4.3    应用情况及其发展前景    4
    2    厂址选择    6
    3    工艺设计    7
    3.1    生产方法的选择    7
    3.2    生产工艺流程    8
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