In the last ten years, especially with the development of China's methanol industry, the scale of production has gradually expanded, and the types of downstream products have been increasing, and the demand for society is also increasing. The great changes in the chemical industry have also made the design of chemical products more and more important. Therefore, it is urgent to optimize the operation and control of methanol synthesis process.

In the projects such as synthetic methanol, the design of the CO converter section is very important, in which the CO in the feed gas will be consumed, and then the products of H2 and CO2 will be produced. After the CO conversion reaction, we can get more H2, but also reduce the CO content at the same time, this section is used to adjust the H2/CO ratio, after the adjustment can meet the requirements of the subsequent raw material gas.

This graduation design is based on CO transform for methanol synthesis process, the technology of tower type unsaturated TLTs process, catalyst using CO-MO series catalyst, its number is QCS-03, which is mainly composed of 1% ~ 5% CoO, 8% ~ 15% MoO3/ y /Al2O3. The CO in the feed gas is transformed by the process. After the transformation section, there is a subsequent purification process, mainly copper washing process and methanation of the two processes. The two purification processes require different CO content in the converted gas, and the methanation purification process requires CO content of about 1.5%.

This graduation project selects the technology advanced, mature, saves the energy consumption, the economical rationality, the environmental protection security, after compares the domestic and foreign advanced flow craft, the choice. Compared with the traditional process technology, this graduation has made some improvements and innovations:

This graduation design is the choice of "transformation process of unsaturated tower type", choose to use as gas humidifier instead of saturated hot water tower, the humidifier can be directly humidifying raw gas, while the original process is the saturation tower by indirect heat transfer mode of water heater, so the efficiency is much higher than the saturation tower type.

This graduation design process selection is "TLTs" process, because the CO transform reaction is exothermic reaction, thus reducing the temperature is favorable to the reaction, but also conducive to save the use amount of steam, so as to improve the equipment capacity, to achieve energy saving and high efficiency advantages.

The catalyst of this graduation design is the selection of catalyst CO-MO series, this series of catalysts compared to the original Fe-Cr series and Cu-Zn series catalyst, transformation under the condition of low temperature and high activity, is also very fit in with low sulfur concentration transformation, and it has a wide operating temperature range; structural stability of this series of catalysts good, and it adapt to the longer cycle; catalyst at high speed conditions, also has strong adaptability; ability of this series of catalyst also has good adsorption ability of carbon black, the matter has also been enhanced kangdu.

In the process, the main equipment used for gas humidifier, pre converter furnace, converter furnace, waste heat boiler, heater and other equipment. The graduation design includes the comparison of process methods, the process route and equipment configuration, including the calculation of the design section, the calculation and selection of the equipment, and the drawing of the flow chart and equipment drawings.

Keywords: methanol synthesis;carbon monoxide transform;ratio of carbon and hydrogen


第1章  总 论 1

1.1  概述 1

1.1.1  合成甲醇的可行性 1

1.1.2  设计的目的和意义
















