摘要:幼儿园集体教学活动中教师提问技巧对幼儿和教师有着重要价值。当前教师提问 存在的问题有:错失最佳提问时机,提问方式不平衡,以低思维水平的问题为主,幼儿 应答机会不公平,缺乏游戏情境的创设,问题数量过多,给予幼儿的待答时间太短,回 应方式机械单一。针对上述问题,提出了以下提问技巧:及时提问,均衡提问方式,既 适合幼儿现有水平又有挑战性,关注幼儿的个体差异,游戏与问题相结合,适量提问, 提问后给予幼儿一定的待答时间并给出针对性的回应,以期为幼儿园教师提供参考。90506
Abstract: Kindergarten collective teaching activities in the teacher's questioning skills for young children and teachers have important value。 The current teacher questions exist problems: missed the best questioning time, unbalanced ask questions, gave priority to low thinking level of the problem, gave the child unfair opportunity to answer, lacked the creation of the game situation, asked too much, gave children too short answered time and responded to mechanical single。 In view of the above problems, the following questioning skills: question timely, balance questioning style, question both for the existing level of children and challenging, concerne about the inpidual differences in children, combine games and problems, appropriate questions, give children the time to answer and give a targeted response to the kindergarten teachers to provide a reference。
Keywords: kindergarten, collective teaching activity, teacher, questioning skill
目 录
1 前言… 3
2 幼儿园集体教学活动中教师提问技巧的内涵… 3
2。1 幼儿园集体教学活动… 3
2。2 教师提问技巧… 3
3 幼儿园集体教学活动中教师提问来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766 技巧的价值… 3
3。1 教师提问技巧对幼儿的价值… 3
3。2 教师提问技巧对教师的价值… 4
4 当前幼儿园集体教学活动中教师提问存在的问题… 4
4。1 忠于教学设计,错失最佳提问时机… 4
4。2 提问方式不平衡… 5
4。3 以低思维水平的问题为主 5
4。4 幼儿应答机会不公平… 5
4。5 缺乏游戏情境的创设… 5
4。6 问题数量过多… 6
4。7 给予幼儿的待答时间太短 6
4。8 回应方式机械单一… 6
5 当前幼儿园集体教学活动中教师提问存在问题的原因分析…