To Explore the Strategies of Cultivating Middle—Class Children Interested In Painting —— Taking S Kindergarten in ZhouKou as an Example
Abstract: With the progress of our society and the impact on children’s painting education is more and more big , the position in the minds of people is also more and more high . At present , China’s kindergarten painting teaching ,also cannot be carried out smoothly , the existing problems and more . In view of this ,this article through the literature method , observation method, interview method ,taking the city of ZhouKou S kindergarten as the research object ,in the painting teaching as the starting point to understand the infant art activities ,such as: children can not be accurate positioning as the main body ,ignore the children’s ability to learn ,give priority to in order to teach ; can not take the initiative to guide children’s interest in painting , just according to the given picture can improve children’s painting in painting; confidence; to children themselves in terms of their perception of the world is less, no more imagination, can only see what what to paint. On this basis, the corresponding countermeasures of royalty: painting teacher, teachers should actively mobilize the learning interest of children, let the children give full play to the subjective initiative; teachers can make use of some of the props and materials, to stimulate the desire of children painting; teachers should encourage and praise the child, enhance their self-confidence, let the children free play to their imagination.
Keywords: Kindergarten; Middle Class; Drawing Teaching
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
前言 2
一、幼儿绘画兴趣培养的概述 2
二、中班幼儿绘画活动的特点 3
(一)有意注意占主导优势 3
(二)逐步能控制手的动作 3
(三)能主动调换颜色,对鲜艳明亮的颜色有偏爱 4
(四)空间直觉逐步发展,辨别上下左右等方位 4
(五)乐意尝试运用各种绘画材料 4
三、中班绘画活动中出现的问题 4
(一)忽视幼儿的主体地位,以教代学 5
(二)忽视提高幼儿的兴趣,幼儿缺乏绘画动力 5
(三)忽视对幼儿自信心的培养,产生畏惧心理 6
(四)幼儿在绘画中缺乏一定的想象力,比葫芦画瓢 6
四、中班幼儿绘画兴趣的培养策略 7
(一)培养幼儿绘画兴趣,激活幼儿的主观能动性 7
(二)利用多种素材,激活幼儿的创作欲望 7
- 上一篇:托班幼儿入园分离焦虑现状分析
- 下一篇:小班幼儿绘画活动的指导策略研究