    毕业论文关键词:多媒体  地理教学  应用   
    Introduction to the Application of Multimedia Technology in Geography Teaching
    Middle School Geography has both the characteristic of social science and natural science. The range of teaching contents of Middle School Geography is very wide, including the interrelation between human society and natural environment. And all of these are based on the spatial distribution.  Since the 21th century, with the rapid development of the multimedia technology and the internet technology, multimedia technology plays a more and more important role in modern geography teaching due to its original form, large lesson capacity and strong interactivity. Employing the multimedia technology in geography teaching can help create teaching environment, which makes the boring lessons become vivid and active; stimulates students’ interest in learning; highlights the key; breaks the difficulty; improves the efficiency of teaching greatly. However, the multimedia technology also has some disadvantages. In this thesis, the advantages of the multimedia technology in geography teaching will be discussed. The author will analyze the main problems in the process of applying the multimedia technology and explore the measures to solve the problems so that the multimedia technology can be better to serve the geography teaching.  
    There are five tables and sixteenth references in this thesis.
    Key Words: Multimedia  Geography Teaching  Application
    摘  要    I
    Abstract    II
    目录    III
    图清单    IV
    1 绪论    1
    2 多媒体技术辅助地理教学的优势    1
    2.1 创设教学情境,激发学生的学习兴趣    1
    2.2 突破重、难点,使学生易于理解    2
    2.3 扩大课堂容量,提高课堂效益    2
    2.4 提高学生的读图、识图能力    2
    2.5 启迪思文,提高能力    3
    3 多媒体技术辅助地理教学中存在的问题    4
    3.1课件内容丰富、表现形式多样,分散学生注意力    4
    3.2 教学容量过大,学生不易消化    4
    3.3 课件设计不当,知识展示不够系统    5
    3.4 过分依赖多媒体,教师的主导作用削弱    5
    3.5多媒体技术操作水平低,影响教学质量    5
    3.6 课件内容与教学脱节    6
    4 多媒体技术辅助地理教学的改进建议    6
    4.1正确认识多媒体技术辅助教学    6
    4.2恰当选择多媒体教学的内容    7
    4.3合理选择课件表现形式    8
    4.4提高地理教师对多媒体技术的操作水平    9
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