    摘 要在传统思想品德课堂中, 单一的教学方法使学生普遍对课堂教学存在抵触情绪。为了改变这一状况,教育部在 2011 年《基础教育课程改革纲要》中提出,教学过程是师生交往互动、共同成长的过程。思想品德课堂作为教师和学生思文交流、碰撞的产物,集中体现了教师的教学机智。教学现场感是教师在师生互动过程中,以生命为载体,在真实的课堂教学情境中通过各种因素相互作用、相互融合而动态生成的主观感受。它作为提高思想品德课堂教学质量、促进学生的个体成长和教师的专业发展的关键途径, 能够最大限度地推进师生主体个性的发展。教学现场感的培养作为提高教师实践水平、展现教师教学机智的核心,具有重要的理论和实践意义。41504
    The Teaching Scene Feeling of Ideological and Moralin Middle School
    Abstract The simple teaching method which has been used in traditional classroomteaching of Ideological and Moral in middle school usually makes students feel boring,even reject the curriculum. To change this circumstance, in 2011, the CurriculumRevolution of the Basic Education Outline, which was put forward by Ministry ofEducation, has raised that teaching process was an interactive and growing onebetween teachers and students. The course of Ideological and Moral is not only theproduct of thinking collision and communication between teachers and students, butalso the concentrated expression of teachers’ wisdom. During the process of teaching,teachers interact with students actively and build a good relationship with students toreach for an educational standard. The teaching scene feeling is a subjective sensewhich comes from various factors that interrelate and interact in the real teachingscene. It is based on the lives of teachers and students during the process ofinteraction and creates a series of valuable resources through various factorsdynamically. Scene feeling in lesson is the key to boosting teachers’ capacity ofstrengthen their teaching practice, exhibiting teachers’ intelligence and enabling toimprove students’ automatic learning ability. The training of scene feeling, whichreflects teachers’ wisdom and practical intelligence, has both practical and theoreticalsignificance.
    Key Words: Ideological and Moral in middle school; Scene feeling in lesson;Teacher-student interaction
    目 录
    一、初中思想品德课堂教学现场感概述 --1
    三、 提升初中思想品德课堂教学现场感的方法-5
    思想品德课堂的精彩呈现,通常源自于教师的准确把握和灵活调控,即教师在教学现场中通过有效捕捉教育契机,打破教学僵局,掀起课堂讲授的高潮。因此,为了达到较好的教学效果,通常要求教师应具备良好个人素质、熟练的教学技能及较高的专业素质。思想品德教师只有进入教学现场,综合运用自身的知觉、灵感、顿悟和想象,才能调动学生的学习兴趣,达到教学目标。一 初中思想品德课堂教学现场感概述新课程理念要求教师突破书本的局限,在课堂中根据学生的实际情况组织教学,在动态生成中把握教学现场。社会建构主义提出,学习具有情境性[1]。因此,思想品德课程教学活动的开展不能离开教学现场。初中思想品德课堂现场感是教师在师生互动过程中,通过营造和创设对话场、情感场以及实践场而获得的体验、思文和感悟。
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