
    摘要:本研究主要采用了问卷调查法,为了探讨大学生的自立人格与社会支持之间的关系,使用《青少年自立人格量表》、《社会支持量表》对大学生的自立人格及社会支持进行相关研究。结果显示:①大学生自立人格各维度均值大于五点量表中值以上水平,发展状况良好。大学生社会支持发展状况不太乐观。②自立人格在人际责任(p=0.018)、个人独立(p=0.002)两维度上性别差异显著,人际主动(p=0.045)、个人独立(p=0.032)维度上各年级组差异显著。③男、女生在客观支持维度(p=0.013)上差异显著。不同年级大学生在客观支持(p=0.009)和支持利用度(p=0.000)上差异显著。④主观支持与人际自立呈显著正相关,支持利用度与人际自立、个人主动呈显著正相关,社会支持总分与人际自立呈显著正相关。⑤人际自立能有效预测主观支持,个人主动人际自立能有效预测支持利用度,人际自立能有效预测社会支持总分。   42938


    Study on the Relationship between Self-reliance Personality and Social Support of College Students

    Abstract:This study used the “Adolescent Self Personality Scale” and ”Social Support Scale”, to explore the relationship between self-personality and social support of college students.Results:①Students in good standing the overall development of personality, and social support and development situation is not optimistic.②Self-reliance on its two dimensions of personal responsibility and inpidual personality have a significant difference in gender, and its personal initiative and inpidual dimensions have a significant difference in each grade group. ③Boys and girls have a significant difference of the Objective support dimension. College students in different grades have a significant difference of its objective support dimension and the use of support. ④Subjective support and interpersonal self-support have a significant positive correlation,the use of support and interpersonal self-reliance and inpidual initiative have a significant positive correlation.⑤Social support and interpersonal self-reliance have a significant positive correlation. interpersonal self-support can predict subjective self-support,and self-supporting inpidual initiative can predict interpersonal support utilization, and interpersonal reliance can predict social support.

    Keywords:StudentsSelf personality; Social support;Students

    目 录

    摘要 1

    Abstract 1

    引言 2

    1研究设计 3

    1.1研究对象 3

    1.2研究工具 3

    1.3数据处理 4

    2研究结果 4

    2.1大学生自立人格的总体状况 4

    2.2大学生自立人格的差异比较 4

    2.3大学生社会支持的总体状况 6

    2.4大学生社会支持的差异比较 7

    2.5大学生自立人格与社会支持的相关分析 8

    2.6大学生自立人格对社会支持的回归分析 9

    3分析与讨论 9

    3.1大学生自立人格总体状况的分析讨论 9

    3.2大学生自立人格差异的分析讨论 9


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