

    21st century is the century advocate of ecological civilization, ecological civilization education strongly call with an urgent requirement, the school education as the main positions of ecological civilization is born in such a context. Ecological civilization education must be from the motherland future builders of junior high school students grabbed the nature and mission junior moral lesson determines that it plays an integral role in the ecological civilization education. In this paper, the practice of teaching and educational cognitive perspective of ecological civilization, In explaining the concept of the full text of the relevant ecological civilization education, a clear ideological and moral teaching junior high penetration of basic education in the importance of ecological civilization, the analysis of the junior high ideological and moral education lessons ecological civilization and the reasons for the problems of the current; then explore the ideological and moral construction of junior high school Teaching mode of ecological civilization education, proposed a three-dimensional target ecological civilization education, describes the principles of ecological civilization, ideological and moral education in junior high school teaching should follow and implement ways and means.


    Keywords: Middle School Students;Moral lesson;Ecological civilization education;Educational model

    目    录

    摘    要 2

    一、绪论 4

    (一)生态文明的概念 4

    (二)生态文明教育的内涵 4

    (三)生态文明教育的特征 4

    二、初中思想品德教学中渗透生态文明教育的重要性 5

    (一)解决生态之殇的新趋向 5

    (二)带动公众参与建设美丽中国的重要引擎 5

    (三)贯彻落实初中思想品德课程标准的内容和要求 6

    (四)提升初中生生态文明素质的迫切需要 6

    三、当前初中思想品德课生态文明教育存在的问题及其原因 7

    (一)存在的问题 7

    1.初中思想品德教材没有专门的生态文明教育内容 7

    2.思想品德课教育不注重实践 7

    3.当前初中生的生态文明意识现状 8

    (二)原因分析 15


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