


    毕业论文关键词:注意  动作游戏  短时效应  新异Oddball范式

    Short-Term Exposure to Action Video Games Improves the Involuntary Attention?


    Action video game is one of the most popular and classical video games which requires players to recognize the specific images and respond to the changes rapidly and correctly. The ability to perform the action video games is highly linked with the attention ability of players. Researchers investigated the influence of playing action video game on inpidual’s attention, but inconsistent conclusions were found. One kind of view proposed that the action video games improved the voluntary attention directly. The other kind of view considered that the action video games have no effect on voluntary attention, and they thought the improvement effect found in voluntary attention was caused by players’ expectation. Involuntary attention was one of the essential capabilities in responding to emergencies, which is most likely affected in the playing action video games. However, involuntary attention has not been concerned yet in the past studies. The present study was aimed to use event-related potential to investigate whether the action video games affect the voluntary attention or the involuntary attention. 

    A total of 25 college students were adopted in the study, which had basic computer skills but played video games less than 2 hours a week before experiment. One factor between-subject design was used, the two levels are action video game group and neutral video game group. The participants were asked to complete the novel Oddball pattern after playing the corresponding video games. The novel Oddball pattern had 405 trails, containing 300 standard stimuli, 60 target stimuli and 45 novel stimuli. Participants were asked to react to the target stimulus and they can take a break every other 150 trails. The EEG indications were induced and recorded under the novel oddball pattern.

    The results revealed a significant group differences on behavioral data and ERP data. ERPs data indicated the N2 and P3a latency advanced in the action video game group comparing with the neutral video game group, and the P3a amplitude was higher in the action video game group. However, the amplitude and the latency of the P3b were not changed. The behavioral data showed that the reaction time of action video game group were significantly longer than the neutral video game group, but the video game group had a higher correct rate although it did not reach a significant level.

    Based on previous studies, the N2 component was related to the capacity of pre-attention, a precondition of involuntary attention. The P3a component was a main symbol of orientating reaction, which is one kind of involuntary attention. And the P3b component reflected the processing of voluntary attention, including the capability of attentive keeping and resource allocation. Above all, the conclusions could be derived from this study: (1) Short-term exposure to the action video games could improve the involuntary attention directly. Participants playing the action video games are reacted faster to perceive the novel stimuli and pay attention to them. (2) Short-term exposure to the action video games had no effect on voluntary attention. (3) Short-term exposure to the action video games made participants reform a special reaction mode that subjects prefer to pursuit a higher correct rate rather than a faster reaction time.

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