
    摘 要:随着科学技术和社会生活日益迅猛的发展,我们的教育和学习也与时俱进,不仅教学内容在不断更新,教学方式也在不断地求新求变,以适应新的教学需求。微课程作为一种新型教学资源应运而生,其短小精悍的教学视频以新颖活泼的形式吸引学习者的眼球,让学习者能在快节奏的生活中充分利用零碎时间,随时随地进行学习和思考。同时,微课程也逐步进入我们的信息技术课堂,其高效的特性影响着课堂,给教师和学生带来了一种全新的教学互动体验。本文在探讨微课程的基础上,提出微课程设计与开发策略,并以小学信息技术课程为例,深入了解微课程设计与开发过程,使微课程深入渗透到一线教育教学。52314


    Abstract:With the development of science and technology,people's living standard has been greatly improved, so our teaching and learning methods should also keep pace with the times.To meet the new requirements of teaching, not only should we update the teaching materials,also we should change our teaching methods constantly.Under these circumstances,the term micro lecture,a new teaching resource, is born.It attracts the attention of learners with its novel and lively form of short and efficient videos. In the fast pace of life, it enables learners to make full use of the fragmentary time to study and think whenever and wherever they want to. Meanwhile, microlecture steps into our information technology course gradually, which affects our class with its efficient characteristics. Teachers and students can experience a fully new interaction through microlecture. This thesis, taking information technology course of primary school as an example, presents the design and developing strategy of microlecture on the basis of discussion of the course. Through this thesis, it is hoped that we can further understand the design and developing process of microlecture, making it seep into the teaching forefront.

    Keywords: Micro lecture, Information technology course, Design,Make,Develop

    目   录

    1 引言 4

    2 微课程概述 4

    2.1 国内外微课程的研究及实践现状 4

    2.2 微课程的概念及特点 6

    2.3 微课程与学科教学 7

    3 微课程设计与开发 8

    3.1 微课程设计原则 8

    3.2 微课程的教学设计 9

    3.3 微课程的设计模板 10

    3.4 微课程的制作 12

    3.5 微课程的评价 13

    4 小学信息技术教育中微课程的应用 15

    4.1 微课程的教学应用的过程 15

    4.2 微课程在信息技术教育中应用的优势 16

    5 小学信息技术微课程设计案例分析 17

    5.1 “认识信息”微课程设计 17

    5.2 “认识信息”微课程评价 21

    5.3 案例设计总结 21

    结  论 22

    参考文献 23

    致  谢 24

    附录A 微课程学习调查问卷 25

    1 引言目前,移动互联网、智能手机和平板电脑的迅速发展和普及,电子学习和移动学习的环境,将成为一个新的发展趋势,使学习在任何时间,任何地方都可以进行。这种学习方式突出学习的灵活性和互动性,强调学习内容的微型化和碎片化,它是一种需求信息容量相对短小、注意保持要求较低的学习资源。过去一些学校等教育部门,录制的“课堂实录”式视频教学资源,因其大而全、冗长,很难在移动学习中直接使用。而微课程将教学重点、难点、疑点、考点等精彩片段录制成小巧玲珑的视频教程,方便学生随时随地通过网络下载或点播,可以重复使用,利用率高。故微课程已成为移动学习或在线学习一个重要的学习资源[1]。

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