From the aspect of theories, the construction of harmonious English classroom stems from the concept of harmonious education and theory of humanism. The study about harmonious English classroom also enriches relevant English teaching theories. This paper stands on the theory of humanism and talked about the relationship between language classroom and English language learning. The ultimate goal of this research is to improve students’ overall comprehension of English language and to promote students’ integrated skills of identification, appreciation and cultural cognition. It can be said that this paper in some way is valuable. 源[自-优尔*`论/文'网·

2. Literature Review

Harmonious classroom is an ideal classroom in which the relationship between students and teachers is comfortable, the process of teaching is fluent and the teaching result is effective. A harmonious English classroom includes the harmony of relationship between teachers and students, the harmony of teaching methods and students’ cognitive level, the harmony of inpidual character and all-round development, the harmony of students’ subject position and teachers’ leading position. Some researchers thought the harmonious language classroom is the main approach to create harmonious education and develop harmonious people. Basing on this idea, the researcher put forward three requirements for teachers. Firstly, teachers should strive to create a harmonious classroom atmosphere in which all the elements of English subject grow together and promote each other. Secondly, teachers ought to encourage students more instead of criticizing. This requires teachers to motivate students’ inspiration and creative thinking, at the same time, to encourage students to discover and explore new problems. Thirdly, freedom is more important than creativity. 

What’s more, there are some researchers studied the construction of harmonious classroom based on the theory of happy teaching. The researcher holds the point that the happy teaching is a teaching method which can fully arouse the initiative of teachers and students. Then the teacher is willing to teach and the students are willing to learn. The teaching activities are expanded in a harmonious and lively atmosphere. The students can fully feel the happiness of achieving success after overcoming obstacles. At the same time, the researcher also put forward some specific approaches of constructing harmonious English classroom. (Zhang Chun, 2006)

3. Humanism in Language Education

From the perspective of classroom teaching element, the disharmony in English classroom mainly show in the teaching content, teaching methods, teaching process, teaching aims and teaching environment. This paper sums up and arranges the disharmonious phenomenon in English classroom from the five aspects.
















