    Problems and Reasons Existing in the Education Internship Teaching Capability Analysis
    Abstract:Teaching capability is the core capability of teachers' teaching level and is also the core element of the teachers’ quality. So, in this article, we through the method of literature retrieval and investigation to track and study for three months. We selected the interns of one primary school as the objects of study, then we found that the concrete representation of these interns in teaching capability. For example: The preparation before class was too “rigid”,also they were lack of communication with students during teaching, self-reflection and self-assessment, and it was too difficult for them to give consideration to two or more things. According to these problem, we analyzed from the perspective of interns, we had following reasons for these phenomenon: First, they were lack of teaching experience. Second, they were have narrow scope of knowledge. Third, their ability of controlling the class was badly. For this study, our purpose was that to provide some reference data about cultivating the teaching capability of interns.
     Keywords: Education Internship; the Teaching Capability; the Problem Existing
    目  录
    摘要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、提高实习生教学能力的重要性    2
    二、教育实习生教学能力低的具体表现    3
    (一)课前备课过于“死板”    3
    (二)教学中缺乏与学生沟通    3
    (三)教学与组织难以兼顾    4
    (四)缺乏自我评价和自我反思    4
    三、成因分析    5
    (一)课堂教学经验不足    5
    (二)教育教学知识面窄    5
    (三)掌控课堂教学的能力差,课堂秩序混乱    5
    参考文献    6
    致谢    7
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