摘要:如今中国互联网经济愈发繁盛,又在国家倡导的“互联网+”概念的带动下,越 来越多的行业与互联网搭上关系,变成一种新常态的经济模式。在这种背景下,目前会展经 济在互联网技术不断成熟和广泛应用的背景下,遇到了前所未有的发展机遇。基于互联网思 维背景下的会展经济在企业市场营销、增强企业竞争力等方面越来越有前景。本文主要从会 展业的状况、互联网对会展业的影响、互联网环境中会展业如何发展这三个方面进行论述。 来对“互联网+”环境中的会展业发展有一个初步的研究认识。88234
Abstract: Nowadays China Internet economy increasingly prosperous, and in the national advocacy of "Internet plus" concept driven, more and more industries and the Internet on a relationship, become a new normal economic model。 In this context, the current exhibition economy in the context of the Internet technology is mature and widely used, encountered unprecedented opportunities for development。 The Convention and exhibition economy based on the Internet thinking is more and more promising in the aspects of enterprise marketing and enterprise competitiveness。 In this paper, the status of the exhibition industry, the impact of the Internet on the exhibition industry, the exhibition industry in the Internet environment, how to develop these three aspects are discussed。 To study the development of the exhibition industry in the Internet + environment。
毕业论文关键词:互联网+; 电子商务; 会展经济; 转型发展; 产业升级
Key words: Internet +; e-commerce; exhibition economy; transformation and development; industrial upgrading
目录 一、引言 5
二、 “互联网+”环境下会展业状况 5
(一)、“互联网+”源-于,优W尔Y论L文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766环境的概念 5
1。“互联网+”不是简单的相加 5
2。“互联网+”的六大特征 5
(二)、“互联网+”环境下国内会展业状况 6
1。政府主导下会展场馆不断增加 6
2。企业为主体举办的会展活动不断增加 6
3。“互联网+会展”相关企业开始显现 7
(三)、“互联网+”环境下国外的会展业状况 7
1。会展业的发展专业化 8
2。会展的大型集团化发展 8
3。会展业发展的多极化 8
4。“互联网+会展”的模式越来越多 9
三、互联网对会展业的影响 9
(一)、互联网对于会展产业发展所起到的怎样的影响 9
1。互联网对会展效益与效率的提升 9
2。互联网促进会展产业规模化、规范化、标准化进程 10
3。互联网奠定会展业国际化发展的基础 10