移动时代,手机上网成为人们日常习惯。浏览新闻资讯成为移动互联网用户的主要需 求之一。移动互联网时代的到来伴随着信息爆炸,人们甄选信息的成本剧增,智能推荐系 统更能满足用户需求。因此聚合型移动新闻客户端打破陈规,应运而生。88577

今日头条是聚合型移动新闻客户端的代表,它基于大数据挖掘技术,全方位的分析用 户年龄、兴趣、地理位置等,利用个性化推荐算法实时推荐新闻资讯给用户。

本文首先研究了聚合型移动新闻客户端和盈利模式的相关概念,叙述了聚合型移动新 闻客户端的界定、盈利模式的概念、盈利要素理论、价值链理论。然后对聚合型移动新闻 客户端的盈利模式展开研究,叙述了研究了今日头条现有的盈利困境和现有聚合型移动新 闻客户端的几种盈利模式。然后,将今日头条与人民日报移动客户端、网易新闻移动客户 端从内容、产品、商业化三个方面进行比较研究。同时,进行今日头条用户付费意愿调 查。最后,通过研究给聚合型移动新闻客户端的盈利提供可行性建议。88577

Mobile era, People are accustomed to using mobile Internet。 Reading news and information becomes the main needs of mobile Internet users。 The arrival of the mobile Internet is accompanied by information explosion。 People spend a lot of time on selecting information。

Intelligent recommendation system can meet people’s need。 So Polymeric type of mobile news apps comes into being。

Today’s Headlines App as a Polymeric type mobile news app, based on Big data mining technology。 It comprehensive analyze user’s age, interest, locations and so on。 It uses personalized recommendation algorithm to recommend news to users in real time。

This study first describes definition of polymeric mobile news apps, profit model, Profit factor and value chain。 The next part describes polymeric mobile news apps profit model, including Today’s Headlines profit dilemma and characteristics of polymeric mobile news apps the definition of profit model。 Then compare Today’s Headlines App with People's Daily App and NetEase News App from content, product and commercialization three aspects At the same time begin the survey about Today’s Headlines App users’ willingness to pay。 At last analyzes the profitability of Today's Headlines App and strategy about polymeric mobile news apps in the future, the mobile news apps of China could draw inspiration from this study。 Lastly, there is summary of above。

聚合型;  移动新闻客户端;  盈利模式;  今日头条

Keywords: Polymeric Type; Mobile News App; Profit Model; Today’s Headlines App









