摘 要:“一带一路”战略是指“丝绸之路经济带”和“21 世纪海上丝绸之路”,旨在通过政策 沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通等促进经济要素有序流动,优化资源配置,与沿 线各国开展高水平、深层次的区域合作。作为传统的文化大国,中国在推进“一带一路”战略过程 中能够从“以温和良善促共赢”、“以经济文化促和谐”、“以民生民信促发展”等几个方面对传统思 想的优秀成分进行了继承,同时还从“国家之简朴”、“国家之共利”、“命运之合纵”等几个方面对 传统思想进行了发展。85624
‘One Belt and One Road ’inherit and develop Chinese traditional thoughts
Abstract: ‘One Belt and One Road initiative ’refer to ‘Economic zone of Silk Road’ and ‘Maritime Silk Road in 21st century ’which is designed to promote the effective flow of economic factors and optimize the allocation of resources by the means of policy communication, facility connection, trade flow, financing and people’s understanding, and then conduce high-level and deep-degree regional cooperation with countries
along the line。 As a great country of traditional culture ,China inherit the traditional thoughts of ‘to promote
win-win with mild improvement’, ‘to promote harmony with economy and culture’, ‘to promote development with people’s livelihood and people’s confidence ’。Besides ,the essential traditional thoughts that‘simplicity of the nation’, ‘common interest of nation’ and ‘combined and vertical fate’ are developed when boosting the strategy of‘ One Belt and One Road’ initiative
Keywords: One Belt and One Road initiative; Chinese traditional thoughts; inheritance; development
目 录
一、“一带一路”战略的提出 1
(一)提出过程 1
(二)内容 1
(三)意义 1
二、“一带一路”战略对中国源Q于W优H尔J论K文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201.,8766 传统思想的继承 1
(一)以温和良善促共赢 2
(二)以经济文化促和谐 2
(三)以民生民信促发展 3
三、“一带一路”战略对中国传统思想的发展 4
(一)国家之简朴 4
(二)国家之共利 4
(三)命运之合纵 5
四、结语 5
参考文献 7
致谢 8
中国传统思想以修身、为人以及治国之道为主要内容。21 世纪的“一带一路”战略可以在修身 之道中自省完善;在为人之道中推己及人;在治国之道中领悟纵横,始终以儒家的仁义礼智信为基 点的同时,积极适应时代发展要求,真正实现如《礼记·礼运》篇中所言“大道之行也,天下为公, 选贤与能,讲信修睦”的政治愿景。