摘 要:随着经济全球化的发展,我国经济得到了进一步的发展,特别是中国边境贸易发展更是迅速,已经成为拉动我国经济发展的重要力量。此外,中国和蒙古国的经济发展是影响我国边境贸易发展的一个重要方面。实践证明中蒙边境贸易中还存在着很多制约经济发展的因素,通过对中蒙边境贸易制约因素的认真分析,在此基础上,对边境贸易中的制约因素的共性和个性进行分析,找到中蒙边境发展过程中的不足之处,进而借鉴其他贸易发展过程中的积极方面取长补短,提出独创性的解决问题的建议。36668 毕业论文关键词:边境贸易;制约因素;对策分析
An Analysis of Restricting Factors and Countermeasures of Border Trade Between China and Mongolia
Abstract: With the rapid development of economic globalization, Chinese economy gains a great improvement. Especially, the development of Chinese border trade has become an important driving force for Chinese economic development. Moreover, it is an important aspect of Chinese border trade development between their economic development of China and Mongolia.Through the careful analysis of the restricting factors of the China and Mongolian border trade, the practice proves that there are many restrictive factors between them which become a weak link of restricting economic development of the two countries.On the basis of analysis of many border trade restricting the generality and personality, we can find the deficiencies during the development of border trade, learn from other positive aspects of trade development in the process of each other and put forward the original proposal of solving the problem.
Key Words: Frontier trade; Restraining factor; Analysis of countermeasures
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