摘 要: 以美元为中心的布雷顿森林体系解体后,主张汇率浮动的理论、黄金非货币化、国际储备和货币调节机制多样化的牙买加体系一直沿用至今。如今黄金和美元在国际货币体系中占据着十分重要的地位并对其产生强烈的影响。国际货币体系也在新兴经济体的发展和经济全球化的推动下不断演变。在最近爆发的全球金融危机中国际货币体系也暴露出许多缺点和不足,也指明了国际货币体系需要改进的部分以及今后发展的方向。我国是国际货币体系中的一个组成部分,只有顺应国际货币体系发展的趋势,我国经济才能持续稳定的发展。36786 毕业论文关键词:布雷顿森林体系;国际货币体系;变迁研究
Research of The International Monetary System Changes After The Collapse of The Bretton Woods System
Abstract: After the disintegration of the dollar-centered Bretton Woods System, the Jamaica System, which is formed under the theory of flexible exchange rate conducted by International Monetary Fund, has been continuing along the history. Today, gold and the dollar in the international monetary system occupies a very important position and has a strong effect on the. The international monetary system has evolved in emerging economies development and economic globalization. In the recent outbreak of the global financial crisis in the international monetary system also exposed global imbalances and theory lagged behind, also shows that the international monetary system in the super sovereign currency and the International Monetary Fund and other aspects need to be improved. Our country is the international monetary system in a part, only conform to the trend of development of the international monetary system, China's economy can be sustained and stable development.
Key Words: Bretton Woods system; The international monetary system; System Change
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