摘 要:随着中国经济的急速发展、人们生活水平的逐渐提高,葡萄酒得到了众多中国消费者的追捧。近年来,随着中国葡萄酒进口量的大幅提高,中国显然已成为葡萄酒消费大国。本文通过从葡萄酒的进口价格、进口规模、进口来源三个方面分析研究中国进口葡萄酒的现状,并提出其在中国市场发展上存在的如品牌知名度不够、质量品质不过关等问题。最后以卡斯特借助张裕品牌推广为例,实例分析了中国进口葡萄酒行业应对中国葡萄酒市场的对策。57933
Abstract: With the economic development, the living standard of people's life is increasing gradually, the wine gets lots of domestic consumers. In recent years, due to the large increase in domestic wine imports and imports of growing, China has become one of the main wine importers. By analyzing the present situation of the imported wine according to the price of imports, the scale of imports and the source of imports, I put forward some problems existing in the Chinese imported wine market, such as their brand is not strong enough, the quality is not pass, etc. Finally, with Castle's promotion by ZhangYu wine company as an example, the article proposed the way that domestic imported wine dealt with countermeasures of imported wine.
Key words: import,wine, brand
1 引言 4
2 文献综述 4
3 中国进口葡萄酒发展现状 5
3.1 中国葡萄酒的进口规模 5
3.2 中国葡萄酒的进口价格 5
3.3 中国葡萄酒的主要进口来源 7
4 进口葡萄酒在中国市场存在的问题 8
4.1 缺少知名进口葡萄酒品牌 8
4.2 中国消费者对于进口葡萄酒认知度不高 8
4.3 进口葡萄酒品质不过关 9
5 进口葡萄酒面对中国市场的应对措施 9
5.1 加强品牌建设力度 9
5.2 加强渠道建设以提高认知度 11
5.2.1 借助香港贸易商 11
5.2.2 收购中国已有经销商 11
5.3 加强对于进口葡萄酒的检验力度 11
5.3.1 加强对中国葡萄酒卫生标准的宣传 11
5.3.2 加强对葡萄酒分装企业的监管 12
5.3.3 加大对进口葡萄酒知识的学习 12
结 论 13
参考文献 14
致 谢 15
1 引言