摘 要:精美实用的陶瓷不仅在中国应用广泛,更是远销海外,深受外国消费者的喜爱。随着改革开放和加入世贸组织,中国已跟上全球经济化潮流,各个行业都面临着机遇与挑战并存的局面,陶瓷行业也不例外。本文以此背景,首先叙述了景德镇陶瓷产业的发展现状,其次,分析了景德镇陶瓷出口贸易发展存在的问题,再次,阐述了景德镇陶瓷出口贸易问题解决的对策,最后,对中国景德镇陶瓷产业的发展前景提出了展望。57975
Abstract: Beautiful and practical ceramic not only widely used in our country, but also exported to overseas, deeply loved by foreign consumers. With our country join the WTO and the reform and opening up policy, our country has to keep up with the trend of the global economy, various industries are faced with both opportunities and challenges, inside ceramic industry. At first, this paper describes the development status of jingdezhen ceramic industry, then analyzes the problems in the development of jingdezhen ceramic export trade, next expounded how to solve jingdezhen ceramic export trade issues, in the end, this paper makes a good prospect for the jingdezhen ceramic industry.
Keywords: ceramic industry, export trade, jingdezhen
1 引言 4
2 文献综述 4
3 景德镇陶瓷的发展现状 5
3.1 景瓷出口量逐年提高 5
3.2 景瓷出口产品类型增多 6
3.3 景瓷出口市场进一步扩大 6
3.4 景瓷高档产品出口市场稳步发展 7
3.5 政府出台鼓励景瓷出口政策 7
4 景德镇陶瓷出口存在的问题分析 8
4.1 出口企业规模小,品牌意识薄弱 8
4.2 对外贸易专业人员缺失 8
4.3 出口退税政策对景瓷外销影响 9
4.4 陶瓷出口产品包装落后 9
4.5 国际反倾销问题困扰 10
5 景德镇陶瓷产品出口的展望及发展对策 10
5.1 扩大出口企业规模,增强品牌意识 10
5.2 大力引进技术和外贸人才,促进科技创新 11
5.3 加快完善出口陶瓷产业结构 11
5.4 加大对外宣传力度,完善产品包装 12
5.5 积极开拓海外市场,增强国际市场竞争力 12
结论 14
参考文献 15
致谢 16
1 引言