摘要:近年来,中、印与美国农产品贸易规模不断扩大,从发展趋势来看,呈上升趋势。中、印两国都是发展中国家,地处于亚洲,相似的经济发展水平、地理位置、自然环境和农产品结构,都决定了两国农产品的竞争性。文章首先根据总农产品出口额以及各类农产品出口趋势来描述中、印对美农产品贸易特征事实,然后利用以Anderson和Win coop(2004)模型为基础,推导出的用来测度一个国家出口贸易成本的一般均衡模型,来测度比较中、印与美农产品的出口贸易成本,最后从对外贸易开放度、汇率变化和国际油价等几个方面,利用回归分析比较中、印对美出口农产品贸易成本的影响因素。63420
Abstract: Recently, As the trade scale of China, India and the US agricultural is expanding, there is still an increasing trend from the development trend. China and India are developing countries in Asia, and China is quite similar to India in the development of economic, geographical location, natural environment and agricultural structures. These similar conditions have determined their competition of agricultural products. First of all, this thesis is based on the total agricultural exports and a variety of agricultural exports to describe the facts of agricultural products trade trends in the United States with China and India. On the base of Anderson and Win coop (2004) model, derived to general equilibrium model to measure a country's export trade cost. So we can ues the model to measure and compare the cost of export trade of agricultural products between the US, China and India. Finally, from several aspects, such as openness, exchange rate fluctuations, international oil prices and using regression analy to compare the factors of agricultural trade costs China and India exporting to the US.
Keywords: Agricultural products, Export costs, General equilibrium model, Regression analy
目 录
1 引言 3
2 文献综述 3
3 中、印对美出口农产品贸易特征事实 4
3.1 农产品的界定范围 5
3.2 中国对美出口农产品贸易特征事实 6
3.3 印度对美出口农产品贸易特征事实 8
4 中、印对美出口农产品贸易成本的测度 9
4.1 贸易成本的测度方法、数据采集及处理 9
4.2 贸易成本测度结果与分析 10
5 中、印对美出口农产品影响因素比较分析 15
5.1 实证方法、数据采集及处理 15
5.2 实证结果与分析 16
结论与政策启示 18
参考文献 19
致谢 20
1 引言
国际贸易成本是当今国际贸易领域研究的热点之一,具有重大意义。贸易成本是指不仅包括货物的边际生产成本,还包括获得货物所须支付的所有成本,如运输成本、政策成本(非关税壁垒、关税率等)、汇率成本、语言成本、信息成本和合同的履行成本等。经济全球化的发展,并没有完全排除贸易成本的影响,即使排除了一些壁垒,贸易成本依旧广泛存在,仍然是阻碍世界贸易自由化的重要因素之一。随着国际贸易理论的不断发展和创新,贸易成本已成为核心概念,“至关重要”,并且包涵丰富的政策含义 (Anderson and Wincoop,2003)[1]。