毕业论文关键词 小额信贷 格莱珉银行
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title A research on Grameen Bank’s operation mode and its
adaptability in China
China has made remarkable achievements during thirty years’ reform and opening up. China’s economic aggregate ranked second in the world. However, the income gap has also increased between between nationals. Solving poverty has become a urgent problem. As an effective form of solving this problem, microfinance has made great achievements in the world. Grameen Bank is the most significant. Dr. Yunus created Grameen Bank in 1983, it has played an important role in local poverty alleviation program over the past year through unsecured loans to the poor. In this article, I will analyze Grameen model’s adaptable in China based on the study of Grameen Bank’s operation mode and comparing Grameen model with QiongZhong model and explore a microfinance model that has Chinese characteristics.
Keywords Microfinance; Grameen Bank
1 引言 1
1.1 选题背景及意义 1
1.2 研究对象与方法 2
1.3 行文结构安排 2
2 文献综述 3
2.1 关于小额信贷运行原理的研究 3
2.2 关于格莱珉银行运作模式的研究 3
2.3 关于中国小额信贷现状的研究 4
3 格莱珉银行运作模式及其评价 4
3.1 格莱珉运作模式 5
3.1.1 传统模式 5
3.1.2 GGS模式 6
3.2 格莱珉银行的缺点 7
4 格莱珉银行运行模式的经济学分析 9
4.1基于博弈论的还款分析 9
4.1.1 博弈的假设前提 9
4.1.2 模型假设 9
4.1.3 两期博弈树 10
4.1.4 博弈分析 10
4.1.5 博弈求解 10
4.2 格莱珉的高利率政策分析 11
4.2.1 小额贷款必须高利率 11