毕业论文关键词: 绿色 贸易壁垒 服装出口 影响分析
The Impact of Green Barrier on China 's Garment Export Trade and the Countermeasures
Abstract:China in ancient times as a major producer of clothing, textiles and garments is also the main force in China's export products. With the globalization increased the world economy and the free trade. The Green Trade Barrie has become the major character of the International Trade Protectionism and attracted many countries' attention in recent years due to the economic globalization and international trade development. Now China is facing severe impact of the GTB. According to the research results of China's textile and garment export at home and abroad, this essay analyzes the current situation of textile and garment export in China. The author used the number of garment exports data in recent years to find out its problems and effects through the data analysis. Finally, this paper learn from domestic green barrier to avoid the successful experience of China's garment exports to make good policy.
Key Words: Green; Trade barriers; Garments Export; Impact Analysis
目 录
一、绪论 1
(一) 研究目的和意义 1
(二) 文献综述 2
(三) 主要研究内容 2
二、绿色壁垒的相关知识 4
(一) 绿色壁垒 4
1、 绿色壁垒的含义 4
2、 绿色壁垒的由来 4
3、 绿色壁垒的主要特点 4
(二) 我国出口面临的绿色壁垒类型、现状 4
1、 我国目前面临的主要绿色壁垒 4
2、 有关我国纺织品服装出口所面临的现状 5
三、我国纺织品服装出口现状分析 8
(一)总体出口现状分析 8
(二)出口增速现状分析 9
(三)出口市场现状分析 9
四、绿色壁垒下我国纺织品服装出口存在的问题及成因分析 11
(一) 行业整体存在问题及成因 11
(二) 企业存在问题及成因 11
五、绿色壁垒对我国纺织品服装出口的影响分析 13
(一) 绿色壁垒对我国纺织品服装出口的有利影响 13
1、 推进了我国有关纺织品服装的环境标准的确立 13
2、 促进了环境标志制度的推广 13