摘要2015年8月11日,央行进行了一次汇率改革,此次汇率改革无论在境内市场还是境外市场都造成了很大的影响。本文对于811汇改前后的在岸与离岸人民币汇率差进行研究,发现811汇改之后在岸离岸人民币汇率差逐渐趋于稳定。同时本文截取至今的美元兑在岸与离岸人民币汇率、SHIBOR与CNH HIBOR的数据,利用一个回归方程探究在岸离岸人民币汇率差与在岸离岸人民币利率差以及在岸离岸人民币汇率波动率差的关系,发现汇率差与利率差成负相关关系,与波动率差成正相关关系,并且与在岸离岸利率差的相关性不显著,与在岸离岸波动率差的相关性较为显著。最后本文列举出了央行在811汇改之后为稳定外汇市场所做的举措,并结合日元经验,分析人民币的汇改方向以及目前的政策走向。82894
毕业论文关键词 811汇率改革 在岸离岸人民币汇率差 日元 央行
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title Investigation of differences and reasons of exchange rate between onshore and offshore RMB markets since 811 Reform
Abstract On 11th August of 2015, China Central Bank did a reform of exchange rate。 The reform had great influence on both onshore and offshore exchange market。 This paper aims to investigate the differences of exchange rate between onshore and offshore RMB market before and after 811 Reform and finds that after 811 Reform, the differences of exchange rate between both markets gradually tend to stabilize。 At the same time, this paper uses regression equation method to study the relations of the difference of exchange rate, interest rate and volatility of exchange rate between onshore and offshore RMB markets。 At last, the paper does some analysis on the measures of China Central Bank to stabilize the exchange market after 811 Reform and analyzes RMB and Japanese yen and learns from the experience of Japanese yen。 Also, the direction of future RMB reform and the current trend of policy are mentioned。
Keywords 811 Reform, differences of exchange rate between onshore and offshore RMB markets, Japanese yen, China Central Bank
目 次
1 引言 1
2 在岸离岸人民币汇率差的存在及汇率差原因实证分析 2
2。1 在岸离岸人民币汇率差的存在 2
2。1。1 USDCNH与USDCNY及两者差走势 2
2。1。2 811汇改之后USDCNH与USDCNY及其差变动情况 5
2。2在岸离岸人民币汇率差的存在原因 6
2。2。1 在岸人民币与离岸人民币之比较 6
2。2。2 在岸离岸人民币汇率差原因实证分析 7
3日元经验和央行目前稳定汇率市场的政策 14
3。1 央行稳定汇率市场的相关举措 14
3。2 日元与人民币之比较 15
3。3 日元对人民币汇改的借鉴和目前汇改政策走向 17
结 论 20
致 谢 21
参 考 文 献 22
附录A 23
1 引言