摘 要:在现行的高校,无论是学生上传作业还是教师批阅作业,大多数都是通过登录FTP来实现的,但是FTP毕竟只是一种文件传输系统,所以,建立一个专用的作业管理系统是十分有必要的举措。该系统是以.NET技术为基础,采用C#语言,以SQL Server 2008为后台数据库设计开发的。通过此系统,学生可以查看、提交自己的作业,老师可以在线布置、批阅作业,这样就会很好的提高作业管理的效率。19335
关键词:作业管理;ASP.NET;C#语言;SQL Server 2008数据库
The Design and Implementation of Homework Management System Based on ASP.NET
Abstract: Under the existing university, whether students or teachers marking submit jobs, mostly achieved by landing FTP, but it just a file transfer service after all. Therefore, to build a dedicated job management system is very necessary. The design and development of this system is based on .NET technology, using C# language and SQL Server 2008 as the database. With this system, students can view and submit their work, the teacher also can arrange online marking operations, thus greatly improving the efficiency of operations management.
Key Words: The management of homework; ASP.NET;C# language;SQL Server 2008 database
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