摘要:随着互联网技术的发展与普及,网络营销的价值逐渐得到社会各界的认可和重视。借助VS2010开发平台,以SQL Server 2008为数据库支撑设计了一个网上购物系统。实现了客户注册成为会员、浏览搜索商品,购买商品;管理员添加商品、删除商品、查看客户订单、根据订单发送货物,查看客户基本信息等19336
关键词:网上购物系统 ;VS2010;SQL Server 2008
Online Shopping System Based on ASP.NET
Abstract: With the development and popularity of the Internet, network marketing value gradually recognized and attention from all social circles. Based on the VS2010 development platform, using SQL Server 2008 as database support designed a system of online shopping. To achieve the customer register to become a member, browse search goods, buy goods; the administrator to add, delete, view of commodity goods customer orders, according to the order to send the goods, check the customer basic information and other functions. In order to satisfy the customer's shopping needs and business marketing needs.
Key words: Online shopping system; VS2010;SQL Server 2008
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