摘要:本课题结合现代高校服务理念和最新网络技术,使用Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 和SQL Server 2008开发的“网上新生自助报到”系统。系统主要实现了新生网上报到、网上缴纳学费、网上选取宿舍、领取生活用品和学生信息管理等模块。基本实现了报到、交学费、选取宿舍、修改个人信息等功能。系统的实现可以达到新生信息快速高效管理的目的,节省了物力财力。19337
The Designing and Application of Freshmen Registration System Based on C#
Abstract:This paper combine with modern universities and the latest network technology service concept, Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and SQL Server 2008 developed "online self-help freshmen report" system to achieve a new life online report, online pay tuition, dormitory select online, collect supplies and student information management module.The basic functions of the system include: report, pay tuition, dormitory select, modify personal information and so on .The system uses c # language as a development platform, and it can achieve a good development and test systems to ensure the stable operation of the system.Realization of new information systems can achieve rapid and efficient managengt purposes,saving material and financial resources.
Key Words: C#;SQL;Check-in
目 录