毕业论文关键词:考勤管理, JSP, SQL2005, MyEclipse
Abstract:With the development of science and technology, the traditional way of not only wasting time and manpower, so we have the need to develop an intelligent system, which is conducive to the realization of the rapid operation and exchange of enterprises to improve office efficiency。At present, each large and small enterprises have their own way of attendance, and some small enterprises still use the most traditional way of attendance, that is, manual attendance to increase staff workload, so the need for an intelligent system to speed up the efficiency of enterprises 。As well as reducing the staff's work pressure。The system is conducive to improving the efficiency of working time to save time, the system contains the management information, staff information, attendance information, leave overtime processing, staff evaluation, password management and other functions。 The system to meet the basic needs of business attendance, to solve the problem of low efficiency of labor efficiency and other issues。源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766
Keywords: Attendance management, JSP, SQL2005, MYECLIPSE
1绪论 6
1。1背景 6
1。2意义 6
2相关技术 7
2。1 JSP技术 7
2。2 JavaScript语言 8
2。3 MyEclipse介绍 8
2。4 SQL语言 8
2。5 MVC模式 9
2。6 SQL server数据库 10
3系统分析 11
3。1系统需求分析 11
3。1。1 用户需求 11
3。1。2 功能需求 11
3。2系统功能结构图 11
3。3核心功能分析 12
4系统总体结构设计 13
4。1 B/S体系结构 13
4。2开发及运行环境 13
4。3项目规划 13
5系统详细设计 14
5。1系统总体流程图 14
5。2逻辑结构设计 14
5。3核心功能设计 18
5。3。1 判断身份 18
5。3。2 管理者登录 18
5。3。3 员工登录 18