摘 要: 随着信息化的高速发展,互联网已成为人们生活的必需品,而能够提供更多优质服务的互联网产品是我们的首选。因特网的成熟发展,带动了电子商务的蓬勃发展。网上购物是指一种在虚拟环境下的购物,它使人们足不出户就能购得自己心仪的物品。这种购物模式在方便、快捷消费者的同时,也降低了商家的成本。91925
毕业论文关键词: 网上购物,Java,Java Server Pages,MySQL
Abstract:With the rapid development of information technology, the Internet has become a necessity of people's life。 The Internet products that provide more quality services are our first choice 。 The mature development of the Internet has led to the vigorous development of the e-commerce。 Online shopping system is a kind of shopping mode in the virtual environment, which allows people to buy their favorite goods at home。 The online shopping system makes shopping more convenient and faster。 Meanwhile, it reduce the cost of the business。
This system is committed to design and develop a efficient electronic shopping system for general consumers based on the B2C mode, using the JSP and MySQL database technology。 This online shopping system set permissions for users and system administrators。 It mainly provides registration, user login, commodity list, shopping cart management, submit orders and other functions for users, while provides administrator login, merchandise management, merchandise search, list and download function for system administrators。
Keywords:online shopping , Java,JSP , MySQL
目 录
1 绪论 4
1。1 课题来源及背景 4
1。2 目标和意义 4
1。3 设计思想和主要工作 4
2。1 JSP语言及其特点 5
2。2 Eclipse简单介绍 6
2。3 MySQL 6
3 系统需求分析 7
3。1 业务需求 7
3。2 系统功能需求 7
3。2 用户需求 8
3。3 开发环境需求 8
4 系统功能介绍 8
4。1 功能简介 8
4。2 数据库设计 9
5 系统功能模块设计与实现 12
5。1 系统注册模块及代码 12
5。2 系统登录模块及代码 13
5。3 商品浏览模块界面及主要功能代码 15
5。4 商品搜索模块界面及主要功能代码 17
5。5 购物车管理模块界面以及主要功能代码 18
5。6 生成订单模块界面以及主要功能代码