摘 要:学生选课管理系统是高校学生管理信息系统中的重要组成部分。学生选课成绩管理,将对学校的教务起到一个很大的作用,对学生的选课信息,成绩信息进行规范的管理。本系统采用SQL Server2008为后台数据库,Visual Studio 2010 C#的开发平台设计并制作而成。同时采用了B/S(浏览器/服务器)的模式,管理员、教师和学生都可以在任意客户端通过网络访问本系统,并进行修改、添加或查询等工作,为学校管理人员提供了一个合理的信息化管理平台,推进了学校素质教育工作的全面开展。31627 毕业论文关键词: 学生选课管理系统; Visual Studio 2010 ;C#;SQL Server2008
The Design and Implementation of Normal University
Student Elective System
Abstract: Steudent course management system is an important part of university students' managemnt information system. Students course management, will be a big impact on the school educational administration, to student's curricula-variable, the management of the specification of the performance information.This system USES the SQL Server2008 as the background database, Visual Studio 2010 c # development platform design and production. And adopted B/S (browser/server) mode, administrators, counselors, and students can be in any client .
Key Words: Students course management; Visual Studio 2010; C#;SQL Server2008
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