Title DMP Feature Extraction Algorithm Based On Remote Sensing Image
Morphological profile(MP) has become a hot spot research field of image processing and pattern recognition in the recent years. Its major algorithms and theories have been applied to the study of remote sensing images, particularly in terms of hyperspectral image processing. As we know, the sparse representation is often widely used when operating with remote sensing image analysis. However, morphological characteristic is another useful key point for remote sensing image classification. This paper proposes a method of classification based on hyperspectral data set, which uses differential morphological profiles(DMPs).
This method first uses PCA dimension reduction to reduce the dimensions of the original data set and then uses DMP algorithm to combine and extract necessary features of the original picture. Finally, it puts the extracting characteristics into a SVM classifier, which includes training and testing part. If the parameters of the experiments are different, the result will be different too. Thus it’s also important to choose proper parameters for extracting features. The analysis of the experiment proves that the profile form will receive a scene description by using algorithm to extract geometric structure characteristics. What is important is that it can construct feature vector space to describe the original image.
Through the experiments based on different data sets and various environments, we conclude that this method can be successfully applied to practice as a means to verify the type of the exact terrain.
Keywords: DMP PCA Algorithm SVM Classification Hyperspectral Image
目 次
1 引言 1
2 高光谱图像… 2
2.1 高光谱图像数据的组成 … 2
2.2 高光谱图像的特征 … 2
2.3 高光谱图像的处理 … 3
2.4 高光谱图像的应用 … 3
2.5 高光谱图像的校正处理 … 4
3 PCA降文理论… 5
4 形态学运算… 6
4.1 腐蚀 … 6
4.2 膨胀 … 6
4.3 开运算 7
4.4 闭运算 7
5 特征提取算法 8
5.1 形态学剖面(MP)… 8